FEATURED Sale Class-March 2025 – only $50

Torn trees gel plate monotype print

Torn Trees – printmaking workshop – be inspired by the woods. Use simple stencils, collage and drawing to create abstract forests. 12 LESSONS – 17 short videos.

SAVE $25 – was $75 now only $50 (for March 2025)

FEATURED CLASS MARCH  2025  Get more info here.

MORE great Classes – self study

make marks workshopMake Marks – an online workshop  This class is part, mark making, tool making, art journaling, primitive printing, and intuitive creation.  GET more info 

Gelatin Print Project pt1

Gelatin Print Project – part 1

This gelatin printmaking class is a great way to build a strong foundation Read the details and decide.    Details here


Gelatin Print Project 2 and 3 – recover “failed” prints and explore new approaches to gelatin printmaking with ink and the homemade plate. READ all the details on the workshop page.


stamp making and books

Stamp making + Mixed Media Book  – 11 lessons on tiny stamp making, the slipknot book form, a bit of gelatin printing and collage. READ the details HERE

soft foam plate relief print


Soft Plate Relief Printing – 6 comprehensive lessons available now with 24 short videos. Explore this low tech and non-toxic style of relief printing. Find the details HERE

Pillows made with gelatin printed fabric

Monoprinting on Fabric with the gelatin plate -Self Study  is an online printmaking course with ink/paint on fiber and the homemade gelatin plate.

Self-study is available now  READ the details.

Sless is moreimplify – gelatin prints – 3 powerful lessons – In this weekend workshop we will limit stencils, tools and ink colors to create a series of compelling prints. Sometimes boundaries create a structure for success.  More DETAILS

handmade books with double fan binding

Bound Prints Workshop Self study- Turn that stack of gelatin prints into artist books and journals so you can enjoy the beauty of your work everyday. Get all the details on the workshop page. Sign up today!

Trace monotype print linda germain

Draw into Print –  3 lesson workshop explores line drawing and trace monotypes – Self-study  READ more
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Places where Linda Germain has taught printmaking