
daily doings

How do you get started in your art practice each day? I have a couple of tasks that get me going each day.

One, I pull random angel cards and write the words in my sketchbook.angel cards to start the studio day

I think a little how those ideas could guide my day. Then I make a list of 3 things that I could do. My default list is

  • 20 minutes of making
  • 20 minutes of cleaning
  • 20 minutes of draft writing

sketchbook linda germain

This list feels doable and gets me going when I am not sure where to start. I use it as a guide rather than a strict rule. Often I will be in the flow of one activity and just extend the time for another 20 minutes.

It is an amazing little way to gently trick myself into action. I remind myself that it is a tool to get me into action.

A couple of things  can happen:

  • I just do the 20 minutes for each task
  • or I am stimulated into an hour or more on a single task and I am pleased with my accomplishments
  • or I get a new idea and move into gentle action

I use the 20 minute timer on my  phone and I feel quite accomplished when I end up putting in several hours.

The 1-2-3 list  is about starting the activities. Once I get going it is sometimes easier to keep going for another 20 minutes and finish the task.

I would think you could craft the 1-2-3 list to meet your goals. What activities would you include? Reading, writing, sorting, purging, walking, napping, yoga, anything goes.

trees as subject matter for art making

A reminder: Save On the Torn Trees class for the month of March. Now only $50 Read all the details on the workshop page.

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Create space for new art making

If you are a mixed media artist like me, then you probably see potential in everything and have a collection of mark making tools.

note to self

Sometimes this pile of potential gets in the way of creating.

Mark making tools

Every so often I go through and get rid of the tools that I no longer use. This frees up space in my studio and my mind to create with a bit more clarity.

mark making stamping tools

So I challenge you to go through your supplies or tools and get rid of the things that you don’t use. It will give you a new freedom and lightness. That may show up in your work.

simplified gelatin prints

Still need the free easy to make gelatin and glycerin recipe? Get it here.


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Cleaning is part of making

I am almost afraid to admit that, I just came to the understanding that cleaning up my tools and workspace is part of the process of making.

studio mess

I resist cleaning and some what resent the time that it takes to puts tools away and organize them. But this attitude is not helping me.

clean work space

So I am trying to embrace the idea that “cleaning” time is just a valuable as the making time. Maybe I can even make it fun. 🙂 Maybe this new attitude will enhance both the making and the cleaning  parts of the process.

cake pans to store prints in progress

I have been looking for inexpensive storage ideas. I found that disposable cake pans/covers work nicely for prints in progress. They are stackable, which means they take up less space.

see through boxes for storage

I got a few see through boxes for longer term storage.

I wonder do you have parts of your making process that you enjoy and others that you resist??

How can we enjoy more of the process of making?

Enjoy –

  • Idea gathering
  • Experimental mark making
  • Creating a finished piece
  • Tool gathering
  • Space organizing
  • Cleaning and starting again

Happy printing!

PS – Join us in 2020 for the Mixed Media Retreat! – Get the details on the workshop page.

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Let go of stuff you don’t use

Maybe it is the change of seasons, but I have had the urge to simplify my studio space. I have collected:

  • paints
  • pencils, pens
  • markers
  • cutting tools
  • mark making tools
  • stencils
  • brushes, sponges
  • books, papers
  • brayers and inks

workspace - linda germain

I want to:

  • go through my stuff
  • keep what I love and use
  • let go of the rest, that includes the “should” keep and “might use someday”

Now it has taken years to collect all this stuff, so I am going to be patient and give myself plenty of time to sort through it and let go of what I no longer want.

recycled storage containers

As a mixed media artist, I go through phases and try out different techniques and tools. Some processes I like and keep and others while it was fun to try, I know it will not be part of my daily process.

clean workbench linda germain

I couple of ways I approach the process:

  1. Sit in my  studio and look around. Notice what inspired me and what drags me down.
  2. Clean my main worktable. That gets me feeling good quickly
  3. Sort and purge stuff that is stored under tables. This is the stuff that I have not used in a while, so it must not be that important to me. This also creates “new” space to store stuff that I do use.
  4. Sort a little each day
  5. Take breaks and acknowledge the process that I have made
  6. Take pictures to document the process
  7. Even 5 or 10 minutes of sorting will create improvement

hand printed less is more print by linda germain

I hope you find some of these ideas helpful. Enjoy your studio!!!

Get support from an online class. Check out the current offerings on the printmaking workshop page.

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