monotype print

Ways to improve your Gelatin Prints

Gelatin printmaking is fun and so easy to get started. You just need a few items:

print tools for gelatin plate printing
print tools for gelatin plate printmaking
  1. Gelatin Plate or purchased gel plate
  2. Ink or paint
  3. Brayer or roller
  4. Paper

I think the best way to begin is to just play with abandon and see what happens. Let go of expectations and just experience what the materials can do.

gelatin printmaking tools

Then after having your own unique experience, try the tips or advice of other gelatin printmakers.

gelatin plate prints by linda germain

If you are at that stage, then here are some of my tips for improving your gelatin prints:

  1. 4 tips to make gelatin printmaking more satisfying – when working with paper
  2. Inking the brayer thinly and evenly can take some time – Help is here.
  3. 12 ways to care for your tools, so they work when you want them to.

grass print by linda germain

If you would like to SIMPLIFY  your gelatin prints, then join us in the upcoming online printmaking class. Read all the details on the workshop page.

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3 ways to use Glycerin in gelatin printmaking

I have been using glycerin in my gelatin plate recipe for many years now. It is wonderful. The glycerin makes the gelatin plate strong and long lasting. And eliminates the need to refrigerate the plate.

supplies to make the gelatin and glycerin plate

If you have not tried making your own gelatin and glycerin plate for monotype printmaking, you should. Get the FREE recipe and instructions below.

Make a Glycerin & Gelatin Printing Plate Now!
Get the FREE recipe to make a gel printing plate

Additionally, you will receive a weekly email about printmaking, ideas, tips and courses.

Join us today and start having fun!

gelatin plate prints by linda germain

The second way that I am using glycerin is as a retarder with the speedball water based block printing inks.

I just learned about this option from a very generous student in a recent class. I add a drop or two to the ink on my palette and it keeps the ink alive and workable for a very long time.

use glycerin as retarder

The third way that I use glycerin in my gelatin printmaking process is to preserve leaves and ferns. In the image above the brown leaf is several years old and yet it is still flexible and good for printing. Where as the green leaf is only one day old and it is now shriveled and crispy and no longer good for printing.

Glycerin can be hard to find. I often look in the first aid aisle of the pharmacy. Sales clerks sometimes are not familiar with it as well.

I have found glycerin:

  • at Walmart
  • at CVS, and similar pharamcies
  • AC Moore and Michaels in the wedding section

The price can vary quite a bit. Make sure it is 99 to 100 % glycerin and not mixed with water. These days folks are using it to make hand sanitizer, so your best bet maybe to get it online.

Now would be great time to order some glycerin and make a gelatin plate. I am working on a 3 day online gelatin printmaking class that I am really excited about, SIMPLIFY – create powerful gelatin prints. READ the details on the printmaking workshop page.

simple and powerful gelatin prints

3 ways to use Glycerin in gelatin printmaking Read More »

Awareness and Opportunity – Art making

Daily walk in the woods feeds my mind with ideas. I am transported to a peaceful place.

woods walk inspiration

I often notice:

  • smell of the forest
  • dust and prints on the path
  • delicate weeds and grasses

Sometimes, I get annoyed if I have to share the trail with lots of other people. Sometimes, I get in my head with worries. But mostly I am grateful to have the woodsy trail along the lake so close to home.

tree bark texture

The awareness and appreciation that I bring into the woods creates opportunities back in the art studio.

weeds for gelatin printmaking

The most literal would be the grasses and weeds that I collect for gelatin printmaking. Different grasses are available to me a different times of year. I have to keep my eyes peeled.

rose bud

Often times I will be inspired by flowers or buds and try to capture the energy and essence in a photo. Then I can do some sketches and use the image in a project.

shadows to inspire stencils

Shadows always capture my attention. I love using shadow pictures to create stencils. I love how simple shapes can be powerful and expressive.

gelatin plate monotype print by linda germain

What about you?

  • Do you have a daily walk that could create artistic opportunity?
  • Can you notice simple shadows and weeds with a new awareness?

I hope you do have the chance to notice the simple beauty available to you and to use that in your studio practice.

drawings for making screen prints

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Choose paper as part of your print design

Recently, I have had a few questions about the print paper for my new class 100 Print Project, an online gelatin printmaking workshop.

gelatin prints on book pages

That got me thinking about paper choices for gelatin printmaking. I usually print on smooth and absorbent 90 lb. drawing paper. It picks up ink details nicely and is inexpensive, so I can print freely without concern for cost of paper.

Another paper that I have used is 67 lb. cover stock from Staples. This paper absorbs the ink nicely, but is a little too smooth for my liking.

I like printing on white washed book pages too. This involves some extra steps, but I love the way that slightly obscured text can draw the viewer into the piece.

white washed book pages for gelatin printing

So if you are thinking about joining the online printmaking class, the 100 Print Project, then consider what you would like to say with your choice of printing paper. Can you think of another paper that you could use?

delicate gelatin print on book page

The 100 Print Project class is about printing small and consistently to develop your own person style or message with a large series of prints. When you take the time to make and display 100 prints, you will see new meaning and messages in your work.

gelatin plate monotype prints on tea bags

  • What do you think you are saying with your prints?
  • What do you want to say?
  • Does it matter?

For me, it is all about the process of collecting materials, experimenting with those papers, tools and stencil to make a print that is pleasing to me.

gel plate monotype print by linda germain

  • What materials inspire you?
  • What is an important part of your process?
  • Do you display and admire your work?

Happy Printing!

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Gelatin Printing with division of space as guide

I am always thinking about how the viewer would interact with my prints. I often want to draw her in for a closer look and to reveal subtle layers and marks.gelatin plate monotype by linda germain

First, I have to catch her attention. That is where the big design elements come in, like value and division of space.

gel print by linda germain

I sometimes talk to myself and say things like,

  • put the focus off center,
  • save some light whites
  • add a dark dark

mock cyanotype gelatin plate print by linda germain

I think that my focus for this year will be on simplifying my prints and embracing some of the the basic elements of design:

  • Value
  • Shape
  • line
  • texture and
  • space

If you are new to gelatin printmaking and would like to make a gelatin and glycerin plate for making monotypes without a press, then get the FREE recipe here.

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