monotype print

Make better stencils so you can make better ART

Stencils are the foundation for images in screen printing. Stencils are used as masks and tools in monoprinting on the gel plate.

Masking Stencils for Monoprinting by Linda Germain

If you make prints without a press you can make better prints, if you have stronger stencil making skills.

Practice and cut more stencils and you will get better. I hope this does not discourage you or disappoint.

But if you get into the habit of collecting ideas and images, and then cut out one new stencil every couple of days, then your collection of unique hand made stencils will grow at a steady pace, and you will have more than enough printmaking options.

Stencil Making Tips by Linda Germain for printmaking without a press

Here are three stencil cutting practice tips:

  1. Download my free Cutting SKILLS Worksheet by Linda Germain and use it. If you save all the cut outs you will have 7 small masking stencils and 8 traditional stencils to play with. (print it out on card stock)
  2. Start a physical and digital file folder to collect inspiration.
  3. Start simple, build your confidence and success and then get more complex. You can do it!

Folded paper masking stencils for making prints by Linda Germain Printmaking without a press

If you think that you would like the guidance of an instructor, support of an art community and 4 weeks of lessons, then join us in the new online printmaking class – Make Stencils Workshop. Click here for the details. Registration is open now and class starts March 28th.

The skills you master in this class will jumpstart and support all your other printmaking processes. However if you are a beginner this will be a good course for you was well. There will be lots of time for skill development  and practice. I hope you join us.Hand cut masking stencil used with the gelatin plate for printmaking without a press by Linda Germain

Make better stencils so you can make better ART Read More »

Start Screen Printing this week – Get the Kit

You can be screen printing this week.

  • Would  you like to add some fine line marks to your gelatin prints?
  • Maybe print some dragonfly cards or
  • Just start exploring thermofax screen printing?

You are in luck. I have an 8 piece starter kit of Thermofax screens ready to ship to you today, and you will be pulling beautiful screen prints later this week.

screen prints that are possible with the thermofax kit by linda germain

Thermofax screen printing is a quick and easy way to experiment with screen printing. There is no need for light boxes, emulsion and high powered spray washers.

It is all done for you.

You will get 8 small screens and access to the videos to show you how to tape off the screen and start printing within just a few minutes.

8 piece Thermofax Screen starter kit with Pulling Screen Prints the online printmaking course with Linda Germain
8 piece Thermofax Screen starter kit

The basic idea in screen printing is that you push/pull ink through tiny holes in a mesh screen. In thermofax screen printing the design is created by “burning” certain areas on the emulsion coated screen. This “burning” of emulsion is all done for you. I do it with my machine.

So the screen comes to you a ready to be taped off and printed with.

If you are new to screen printing, then you may not know how convenient this is.

Trust me, it is a huge time saver and make screen printing accessible to many more folks, who don’t have access to a printmaking studio.

If this is still confusing, then watch the video below and see how easy it is to print with Thermofax screens.

Are you ready to start Thermofax Screen Printing?

Then click the paypal button below and I will ship your kit to you ASAP.

With the kit you will have access to 4 private videos that will:

  • Show you how to prepare the screens
  • Print with the screens
  • Choose substrates to print on
  • Get you started

You will also get information on how to set up your workspace and clean and care for  your new screens.

This kit is no longer available.

If you have any questions please email me,

Start Screen Printing this week – Get the Kit Read More »

3 steps to Create Artwork worthy of Framing


I encourage you to try these 3 steps to creating monotypes or mixed media art that is worthy of framing, selling or gifting.

First – Make a lot of prints.

I often say if I pull 20 prints and 2 are awesome then that is a win. You may be aware of the old art school story about the ceramics professor who gave one group of students the assignment to make one perfect pot and to another group the assignment was to make as many pots as possible. Which group made the best pots? The second group.

Why is more better?

Each time you make print you have an opportunity to learn something about tools, composition and your story.  The more opportunities you have to learn, then the more you learn. You build visual, mental and physical skills every time you pull a print.

Second –  Give yourself and the piece some space.

Wait a day or two before you judge your work and determine whether it is done or needs something more. Then pin the potentials on the wall and ask:

  • What do I notice?
  • What is working?
  • Where does my eye go?
  • Is the viewer drawn in?
  • Can one or two marks make it pop/complete?

And realize not every print is worthy of completion. Sometimes you learn something from your ugly prints and just begin again.

Third – Play with framing Materials

  • Take a small precut mat and use it like view finder over sections of your prints
  • See if you can find a pleasing composition
  • When you find it, then crop and frame the piece
  • Try placing some prints in ready made frames and mats
  • Try very small and very large like in a museum
  • Have fun with this. You will be growing your compositional skills and you won’t even know it.

Check out the current workshops.

3 steps to Create Artwork worthy of Framing Read More »

One way to get rid of the Creative Block

To get rid of that creative block…………..

Take a printmaking class


What causes creative blocks?

  • No ideas
  • Too many ideas
  • Fear

You can move through a creative block with the help of others and steady steps forward. That is what we do in Make Monotypes, the online printmaking course.

Whether you are beginner or seasoned and blocked or not, this printmaking class will help you move towards your next level of expression.

EllenMake Monotypes was easy to follow, informative and enjoyable. I now have a better understanding of layering and compositions when printing with the glycerin and gelatin plate.
Ellen Bennett – Australia – Make Monotypes

Make Monotypes is the online printing class where we explore printmaking without a press, using the homemade glycerin and gelatin plate, ink and paper.

  • The class will help you to focus on one technique at a time.
  • Get answers to your questions to move you through the tough times.
  • And get praise and acknowledgement when you make prints that are pleasing and inspiring

Read all the details and join us today, class starts February 22nd. Get rid of that creative block once and for all!

One way to get rid of the Creative Block Read More »

Make beautiful ART without having to draw – Print

One of my students told me that she took Make Monotypes, the online printmaking class, because she wanted to make art and not have to draw.

Mini fishing print - Linda Germain
Monotype print made with a personal photo as reference for the fishing boy stencil

I agree!

I am attracted to monotype printmaking and organic styles of printmaking without a press, because, I can make beautiful, unique pieces of art and it is not dependent on my ability to draw.

Gel monotype print on map page with mylar stencils
Gelatin plate monotype print on map page with mylar stencils

I do not love to draw and gelatin plate monotype printmaking is a great way to make fantastic prints without needing to do a lot of drawing. Some of my best prints did not involve drawing.

Monotype print made with grass and the gelatin printing plate
Monotype print made with grass and the gelatin printing plate
  • I do draw.
  • I do like some of my drawings.
  • I do use drawing in my artwork.

But some of my most powerful monotype prints on the gelatin plate did not involve drawing.

Instead of drawing to make my marks I use:

  • my own photographs to make masking stencils
  • copyright free clip art as reference
  • super simple shapes and
  • found objects to work into the ink

If you want to make beautiful Monotype prints without having to draw. Check out the current printmaking classes being offered online.

Check out a short video of some prints made by students in the online printmaking course.

Make beautiful ART without having to draw – Print Read More »