monotype print

Drawing transformed in to a screen for printing

Line drawings are easily converted to a small screen for printing with a Thermofax Machine.

thermofax machine for creating screens for printmaking

The machine is about $1200. and a roll of screen is about $200, but there are many folks who will create screens for you and sell screens online and in Etsy shops. I would suggest getting a few screens and trying out the process before you go and buy a machine.

Screen printing is a great process if you want to print many of the same image consistently. I realized that I don’t do that type of printing very often. I am more of a one of a kind, monotype printmaker. But I do love the type of line image that is possible with a thermofax screen print.

doodle flower drawing thermofax screen

As I created this screen I thought about varying the thickness of the line to create a screen that would print some delicate lines and some bolder lines.

flour cloth with screen printed flowers

Once you get set up it is pretty quick to print up a whole piece of cloth. Use nice fresh ink and a sponge or squeegee to gently “push” the ink through the holes on the screen.

tools for thermofax printing

Check out how easy it is to get started with thermofax printing in this blog post.



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Screen print from a block printed impression

So I took my little block print from yesterday and printed it several times in black ink on paper. I played with the layout and possible designs.

thermofax screen based on a block printed image

I kept the designs small, because thermofax screens are easier for me to print if the are small. I can hold and move all the tools to make an overall print.

hand printed fabric with several thermofax screens

I made about 4 different screens and just had to test them all, the whole orange, 1/2 slice and some tumbling 1/2 slices. Some of the screens burned more successfully than the others. I am never quite sure why.

Photocopy and thermofax screen for printmaking

I warmed up the machine and ran the photocopy through with the emulsion coated mesh screen. Usually is comes out ever so slightly stuck to the screen. This time they were not so stuck. The 1/2 slice looked okay, but when I got to printing it, the impression was somewhat spotty.

thermofax printing on fabric

I don’t use the machine enough to be able to really read the the screen. It is hard for me to tell if the emulsion has been “burned” enough. Of course there are other factors, ink, paper, fabric and type of squeegee that all affect the quality of the impression.

screen print and block print on linen

So I played with printing on several different types of fabric and paper to see if that was affecting my impression. It printed beautifully on this scrap piece of linen. Notice the blue block printed mark. I think this is a great example of the difference between the type of mark that is possible with soft carved block prints and thermofax screen prints.

The more I print, the more I learn. I like it that way. Have you tried screen printing with simple paper stencils? Check out the free tutorial.

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Drawing of leaf into a Thermofax Screen

I see a lot of leaves on my daily walks, so naturally they are feeding my #SEEdrawPrint challenge. Sometimes I pick them up and trace them, study their edges and shapes.

leaf drawing as reference for thermofax screen

It is fun to pause and really look that the edges, veins and imperfections. This one is printed in a muddy red color to mimic the fading colors of fall here in New England.

carbon based photo copy burns the image onto the thermofax screen

Small thermofax images are nice for creating detailed overall patterns. I may add another leaf to this print to fill the open white space of the cloth.


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Paper cut stencil inspires a Thermofax screen print

I was sorting through my studio and found a cut paper stencil. It is a sort of flower inspired image.

Thermofax screen made from photocopy of paper stencil

I colored the flower stencil a dark color so I could make a good photocopy. Then I evened out some of the lines with a sharpie. Made another photo copy and used that to burn the thermofax screen on the left in the image above.

I was not sure where I was going to use this screen so I printed it on some sampler cloth that I have to test out images.

screen printed cloth

A few weeks ago I used a similar cut paper stencil to inspire a block print design. The red image below is a soft carved block print and the green image it the thermofax screen print.

block print and screen printed fabric

I am not sure if you can tell but the block print creates a less solid impression. The green flower has a more consistent coverage. Though the 2 flowers in this picture were not so perfect.

I was comparing printing with a sponge and a squeegee. The sponge pushes more ink through and the squeegee seems to push a thinner layer through the screen. This image is more open than the leaf image I did last week, when using a cosmetic sponge was perfect.

I am realizing how much I choose to make art and marks with ways other than drawing. But I also have quite a few sketches and doodles going that might be turned into screens, block or stencils.

If you are like me and need some coaxing to embrace your drawing habit, then try out the Drawing with Matisse Tutorial.

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Paper cut stencil inspires a Thermofax screen print Read More »

Gelatin Prints for day 7 of #SEEdrawPrint challenge

I realized that my natural printing method is to be inspired by found tools.Which takes the need to draw a matrix out of the equation.

found stamping tool made of rubber

I found this small rubber circle thing while on my daily walk and it inspired me to pick it up. It lifts of ink and applies ink to the gelatin plate perfectly. I that two different size circles that will work nicely together.

Dried fall grasses for stenciling

Autumn in New England there are plenty of leaves and grasses on the ground. I picked up one and gave it a “hair cut”. If the grass is too complex the shape impression ends up being a big white blob.

Gelatin plate with grasses as stencils

The other way that I usually work, is to pull many prints to get a couple that I like. I work out the composition as I go.

detail impression and shaped impression pull from the gelatin plate

Today I pulled a stack of prints and then got my framing mats and cropped up a couple into pleasing compositions.

shaped impression gelatin plate monotype print

This is the shaped impression of the grasses and I used my found tool to lift off and then apply circle impressions to the plate.

detailed impression gelatin plate print

This is the detailed impression of the grasses and I stamped a few more circle on to the plate with my round rubber circle tool.

monotype gelatin print by linda germain

This one I place the little pieces of grass back on to the detailed impression to “save” some white marks and increase the range of value. And I was playing with random design rather than a balance one.

If you would like to explore gelatin printmaking through the self study printmaking workshop, then check out he details of the online printmaking class on the information page


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