monotype print

The Woods Inspires Mark Making

Trees are one of my go to subjects. They are easy to abstract and fun to create.

trees as subject matter for art making

I get my inspiration from my walks in the woods, but I also see amazing old trees every where.

I can be fun to try to capture the likeness of that favorite tree.

Tree sketch linda germain

Sometimes I get close and notice the texture of the bark and things growing there, moss, ivy, bittersweet, and the like.

texture of trees

The look and feel of the tree changes with the seasons. Winter offers bare branches and monochromatic color. In the spring I notice fresh green and red buds fill the branches. Summer is a lush canopy of greens. And the Fall can be a riot of brilliant colors.

autumn colors

I have wanted to capture “that” tree in all of its seasons, but just have not done it yet.

This admiration of trees lead me to create the Torn Tree Workshop. It is about making abstract forests with simple printmaking and drawing techniques. This month of March I am offering this 12 lesson class for only $50. USD. Check out the details.

I like to combine my woods walks and my art inspiration.


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Start the new year with gelatin printmaking

I invite you to join me in the online class, the Gelatin Print Project.

gelatin print by linda germain

I feel that one way to build printmaking skills is to pull a lot of prints. And the immediacy of gelatin printmaking lends itself to making lots of prints very quickly. In this class we will build layers on light and delicate base prints.

You will learn how to get the most from your impressions, layering and combining:

  • shaped impressions
  • detailed impressions
  • spot pick ups
  • light ghost impressions

Read all the details on the workshop page. Class starts January 10th, 2025.

100 print project

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Join Me – New Class – stamp making

I am excited about the new class that starts October 25th. This class is about:

  • Making small stamps out of sticky backed foam
  • Slipknot book form
  • a gelatin print lesson and
  • a bit of collage

I love this combination of techniques. There is something for everyone. So you can choose a focus that fits your interest at this time.

slipknot book with gelatin print and collage

The slipknot binding is great for sketchbooking, because it can be flipped and folded to always lie flat. It takes a bit of thread management to link the pages together, but it is a pretty easy book form.

Gelatin monotype with stamping

I am including a gelatin print session so you will have prints to respond to with collage and stamping.

The collage lesson is just to get beyond the blank page.

slipknot bound books

Read all the details and join us in Stamp Making + Mixed Media Book Workshop.

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Make unique fabric for your projects

I have piles of hand printed fabric. I have actually stopped making more until I use up some of what I already have.

piles of gelatin printed fabric ready for projects

I have made a few quilts and now have more quilts than I can use.

piecing together a quilt

I covered some bricks with hand printed cloth to use as book weights. I do use these quite a bit and I think 6 big book weights is  enough for my little studio.

book weights covered with fabric

I used heat-n-bond to transform some of the monoprinted fabric into book cloth. The heat-n-bond is applied to the fabric then thin rice paper is stuck to the other side. This creates a barrier so the glue does not seep through the fabric. Then I covered a few artists books.

notebook covered with gelatin printed fabric

I love composition notebooks. I covered a few with the hand printed fabric.

I love bags. I am definitely a bag lady. And yet surprisingly I have only stitched up one little shoulder bag.  I think a big beach bag may be my next project.

crossbody bag made with hand printed fabric

If  you are wanting to make some unique hand printed fabric, then check out the workshop, Monoprinted Fabric.

I am offering a 25% discount on this class for the next few weeks. It is a comprehensive class with 12 different techniques for gelatin printing on fabric.

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Exploring cyanotypes

I my Simplify – Gelatin Prints class, I teach a mock cyanotype technique.

mock cyanotype gelatin plate monotype print

I love the mixture of black and cyan ink. I think it produces some nice rich impressions. Delicate weeds and intricate cut glass are good tools for this process.

cut glass as a stamping tool for gelatin plate printmaking

But today I made a few real cyanotype prints. I have been collecting inspiration online and have a list of approaches that I want to try. It does take some planning and preparation.

  • I mixed the chemicals 24 hours earlier.
  • Then I painted the mixture on to the papers
  • Wait for them to dry in a darkroom

Luckily, I had a bright sunny day. I started with few grasses and a test strip. I exposed a little more paper every minute, for a total of 5 minutes. The pale blue was exposed for 1 minute direct bright sun. And the dark blue at the bottom was exposed for 5 minutes

cyanotype test strip

I had prepared a digital negative of a photograph. My printer is low on toner and the black areas were a bit transparent, so I underexposed the print so I would not lose all the detail. I am pretty pleased with the result.

cyanotype print made with a digital negative

The light is always changing and different tools block the light differently too. I really wanted to do a glass cast shadow. I first attempt fail, not enough shadow. As time passed the shadows got longer. Second try much better.

cast shadow cyanotype

I even tried printing on a rock.

cyanotype prints by linda germain

I will continue to play with the cyanotype process. If you would like to explore my mock cyanotype process, then check out the details of the class Simplify – Gelatin Printmaking.

gelatin plate monotype print


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