Letting sketchbooks evolve
I have been working in 6 sketchbooks at once for the last few weeks. I started working this way so I could let wet marks dry and still be in the flow.
I do like having multiple books going at once but it can get a bit scattered too. So I started using a theme and that seemed to help the mark making flow.
Some of the “themes” that I have used:
- draw 30 trees
- add 20 flowers
- fill in with birds
This gave me a goal that I could work across several sketchbooks at once. These 3 subjects were easy to add to my existing marks.
Most recently I have been playing with stylized horses. These drawings are a work in progress. It is a challenge to work through ugly renderings. I find I like the simple loose line drawings best. A horse sketch needs more of a whole page compared to birds, flowers and trees.
If you are looking for a little sketchbook inspiration and instruction then check out the self-study online classes available now.
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