mark making tools

Printing Tools on Tuesday

paper tube stamping tools for printmaking by linda germain I have seen these paper tube projects on pinterest and was inspired to make a stamping tool for gelatin printing.

So simple to make and yet I am thinking they will create a lovely delicate mark in the ink on the gelatin plate.

  • I used just one small tube and
  • cut it into 1/2 ovals.
  • I use the paper cutter to cut them evenly
  • Then I used the hot glue gun
  • to hold them  all together.
  • I tried not to get globs of glue on the bottom
  • because those globs will print.

I did not have time today to try out my new printing tool but I will this week and then share some images with you.


If you have already printed with this tool and a picture then share them with the gelatin printmaking flickr group.

stamping tool for gelatin printmaking by linda germain
Arrange the ovals and hot glue together.
stamping tool for gelatin printmaking by linda germain
ready to glue.

If you are interested in a gelatin printmaking workshop with me, then please check out the schedule here.  I keep the classes small so you get the most from you gelatin print class.

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Treasured Tools – Printmaking

treasured tools for printmaking by linda germainTreasured tools,  we all have our favorite tools right?

  • Do you always choose that special brush that fits your hand perfectly?
  • Or the one brayer that rolls just right?
  • Or the jar of ink that is the perfect consistency?

I definitely have my favorite tools for gelatin printing.  This picture shows 2 of them.  Can you see the delicate grasses  on the left?  Not all grass and weeds are the same.

I look for grasses that are:

  • thin but sturdy
  • delicate and slightly dried, (fresh and green are weak)
  • long enough for my paper
  • variety of sizes

My second treasured tool is the metal film reel and other hand held metal pieces that I can use to stamp into the ink and remove ink or apply a thin layer of ink to the gelatin plate.delicate grasses for gelatin printmaking

Today a team came to my studio to talk to me about the creative economy in Haverhill, MA.  They are putting together a video for the next Merrimack Valley Economic Development Council.  I got to show them the wonders of gelatin printmaking.  They were impressed with what was possible with a bit of ink, a slab of gelatin and some delicate grasses.

What are your go to treasured tools?

Treasured Tools – Printmaking Read More »

Details, doilies and Do it! – Gelatin Prints

©linda germain 2012 Gelatin printing with a plastic doily

A couple of years back I took a great class with Cathy McLaurin.  During the class she shared lots of her mark making tools.  I fell in love with an old plastic doily.  So I searched the junk stores for a plastic doily of my own and eventually I gave up looking.  Today I found one.  It is not a fabulous as cathy’s but it does make a wonderful detailed impression on the gelatin plate.

Details, doilies and Do it! – Gelatin Prints Read More »

Simple Mark making tools – Gelatin Prints

©2012 linda germain gelatin plate monotype tools

I am playing with some old film reels, round things,  tops from shampoo containers and a bit of thin yarn to make marks in the ink on the gelatin plate.
©2012 linda germain – gelatin plate printmaking with my favorite colors
©2012 linda germain – gelatin print  with shampoo covers as stamping tools
©2012 linda germain – just having fun with my new camera – but these are stamps
made on cd case, with double stick carpet tape and caps and round foam bits
Post by Linda Germain

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Mark making tools for Gelatin Prints

©2012 linda germain – found objects for gelatin printmaking

I can’t resist a visit to EXCL when I am in Lynn.  It is a recycling center for creatives.  I try to limit my self to stuff that I will use.  But how do I know what I am going to use before hand?  So this week I added these film canister things and other round things for making marks in the ink on the gelatin printing plate/pad.  I used the red toy like a cookie  cutter to make a circle of gelatin. See a print here.

©2012 linda germain cut up an old gelatin plate and print some more

So don’t give up on the gelatin plate that is starting to fall apart.  Get out your cookie cutters and press out some shapes.  Ink them up.  Work into the ink and make some impressions. Happy Printing!

How to make a gelatin Plate for printmaking – the video

Quick video on the basics of gelatin printmaking

Gelatin printing artist trading cards – a short video

48 second slideshow of gelatin prints by linda germain and why she loves it.

Or Take the next gelatin printing workshop

Post by Linda Germain


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