mark making tools

Ink tips, Brayer help and Mark making tools for printmaking

Ink the brayer

ink and brayers

It seems simple to ink the brayer, but it may take some practice.

The thing is, that every ink, brayer and plate may be a little different and require a little bit of finesse to get a nice thin coat of ink on the brayer and then on the plate.

Check out this video and post if you want some tips on how to ink your brayer.

Kirigami stencils

Kirigami Everybody book for stencil making

That is simply stencils cut from folded paper. I like to cut stencils from paper and then make them strong by coating them with mat medium.

Read this blog post to get some tips on cutting and coating masking stencils for gelatin plate monotype printing.

Stamping tools

Glass as a stamping tool
glass as a stamping tool

Once you start gelatin printing you will see the world with new eyes. All of a sudden everything with pattern and texture because a mark making tool. In the image above I used a glass plate to make the designs in the turquoise ink.

If you would like to see more of my top stamping tools for gelatin printing then check out these 2 posts:

Of course if you need the recipe and instructions on  how to make the glycerin and gelatin plate for making monotypes then sign up below and you will get the FREE tutorial.

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Make a Glycerin & Gelatin Printing Plate Now!
Get the FREE recipe to make a gel printing plate - new easier instructions!

You want to explore gelatin printmaking.

You have landed in the right place.

Join the mailing list, and you will get the glycerin and gelatin plate recipe, that you can use to make your own monotype printing plate.

  • You get a how to video
  • Written reminders
  • Trouble shooting tips

I am happy to share these instructions on how to make the gel printing plate. I want you to try this monotype printmaking technique and enjoy years of spontaneous printmaking.

Additionally, you will receive a weekly email about printmaking, ideas, tips and courses.

Join us today and start having fun!


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Eyes of a Printmaker

One of the skills I hope to instill in my printmaking students it to see their world with a new lens.

I hope they start to see printmaking tools and mark making inspiration in their everyday doings.

This can be a blessing and a curse. All of a sudden trash, recyclables, and rusted things become treasures for the studio.

Found objects and Potential Printmaking Tools - linda germain

Printmaking Tools Above:

  1. The frame corner piqued my interest as a possible item to use to make a wax rubbing resist screen for screen printing. It may or may not work.
  2. The rubber dots on the coffee cup called to me as a tool to lift off and apply ink when working with the gelatin and glycerin plate for making monotypes.
  3. The drawing of me by my nephew makes me smile and encourages me to be bold and expressive.
  4. The other side of the heart shaped candy box is a clean edged stamping tool for using with the gelatin plate.
  5. The dried hydrangea is an inspiration for drawings and doodles. Or maybe to be used in a paper making project.

As mark makers and artists we see the world a little differently and that is our gift, when we share it with others.

Pause – See – Share

Want help developing this new way of seeing your world and working it into Making Monotype prints? You have time to join the next session of Make Monotypes – the online printmaking class. Check out the details on the workshop page.

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Comb marks into ink on the Gelatin Plate

Use a Comb to make marks into ink on gelatin plate Linda Germain

Discover mark making tools:

You can find a package of wide tooled combs at the dollar store and then you will have fun working into the ink on the gelatin plate. If you play and then you are not happy with the mark then, you can just brayer over it and start over.

Monotype gelatin prints made with a Comb to make marks into ink on gelatin

Here I criss-crossed the lines, and rolled down a base color of gold. With just one tool it is possible to experiment for a whole day and still come up with new types of mark from the homemade gelatin plate.

Have you made the glycerin and gelatin plate yet? If you would like to explore this monotype printing process, then join us in the next session of Make Monotypes. Right now the early bird discount is available.

Make a Glycerin & Gelatin Printing Plate Now!
Get the FREE recipe to make a gel printing plate

Additionally, you will receive a weekly email about printmaking, ideas, tips and courses.

Join us today and start having fun!

Comb marks into ink on the Gelatin Plate Read More »

Repurpose Die cut tools – monotypes

Die cut stamps with the gelatin plate

Use Die Cuts with Gelatin Plate

I love to repurpose things. I got these Fiskars  die cuts at my favorite recycle store, extras for creative reuse in Lynn, MA. I do not the special Fiskars machine, but I knew that I could figure out a way to use these 4″ letter press die cuts.

Die cut combined with the gelatin plate to make monotype prints

I use the gelatin plate to ink the die cut tool and then press the ink back on to the plate and I get the lovely detailed impression above. I like to work small sections of the plate and paper. It allows me to layer, save some white and create a range of value in my prints.

Find some mark making tools to repurpose

Dig through your pile of supplies and see if you have some die cut stamps to repurpose with the gelatin plate to make some monotypes.

If you are kind of new to Monotype printmaking and would like some support, encouragement and guidance, then join us in the next session of Make Monotypes. Right now you can get the early bird discount.

Make a Glycerin & Gelatin Printing Plate Now!
Get the FREE recipe to make a gel printing plate

Additionally, you will receive a weekly email about printmaking, ideas, tips and courses.

Join us today and start having fun!

Repurpose Die cut tools – monotypes Read More »

Cardboard as a relief stamp

simple circles cut into corrugated cardboard to make stamping tool - Linda Germain teacher

I used a circle cutter to cut the first layer of this piece of corrugated cardboard. I love cardboard as a mark making tool. You could use a razor blade or exact knife to do the same and cut whatever shape you would like.

Cut cardboard as a stamping tool to lift off ink - Linda Germain

I rolled out a thin layer of ink and then pressed the the carved cardboard into the surface of the ink. Then I placed the print paper on top and burnished.

If you want to explore printmaking with the glycerin and gelatin plate the check out the printmaking workshops page.

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You will also get weekly emails about printmaking, tips, tools and classes.

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