Ink tips, Brayer help and Mark making tools for printmaking
Ink the brayer
It seems simple to ink the brayer, but it may take some practice.
The thing is, that every ink, brayer and plate may be a little different and require a little bit of finesse to get a nice thin coat of ink on the brayer and then on the plate.
Check out this video and post if you want some tips on how to ink your brayer.
Kirigami stencils
That is simply stencils cut from folded paper. I like to cut stencils from paper and then make them strong by coating them with mat medium.
Read this blog post to get some tips on cutting and coating masking stencils for gelatin plate monotype printing.
Stamping tools

Once you start gelatin printing you will see the world with new eyes. All of a sudden everything with pattern and texture because a mark making tool. In the image above I used a glass plate to make the designs in the turquoise ink.
If you would like to see more of my top stamping tools for gelatin printing then check out these 2 posts:
Of course if you need the recipe and instructions on how to make the glycerin and gelatin plate for making monotypes then sign up below and you will get the FREE tutorial.

You want to explore gelatin printmaking.
You have landed in the right place.
Join the mailing list, and you will get the glycerin and gelatin plate recipe, that you can use to make your own monotype printing plate.
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I am happy to share these instructions on how to make the gel printing plate. I want you to try this monotype printmaking technique and enjoy years of spontaneous printmaking.
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Ink tips, Brayer help and Mark making tools for printmaking Read More »