mark making tools

Meditative Marks

Lately, I have been exploring the process of meditative mark making. You know those doodles that take you away. Or the drawings you do during a meeting or phone call.

circle doodles

I was wondering if those kinds of marks could be the basis for growing my personal lexicon of marks. I love that phrase lexicon of marks.  It just means mark making language, but sounds kind of beautiful.

repetitive mark making

I want to combine a bit of “scientific observation” and repetitive mark making to expands the kinds of marks that I can naturally draw and doodle.

painted and stamped meditative marks

  • What are your “go to” marks?
  • How do you go about expanding your lexicon of marks?
  • What tools do you use?

Something to think about. Happy making!

Looking for some mark making ideas and support then current online classes.

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Things I have learned lately – Making ART

I recently participated in Karen Abend’s Sketchbook Revival. It was a free event with 28 generous teachers sharing ideas for making art in our sketchbooks.

sketch booking by the lake

I also did a class with Lewis Rossignol through Carla Sonheim Presents.

draw more and enjoy the process

So I have taken in a lot of information and ideas about using a sketchbook. And I am starting to appreciate my style of drawing and mark making.

doodle your message

Let me share a few ideas that motivate me:

  1. From Danny GregoryUse up those art supplies – don’t let them be precious
  2. From Carla Sonheim – Look more at the things I want to draw – notice the shapes, lines, etc
  3. John Muir LawsCount and observe and record like a scientist, in a curious way.
  4. Play with sticks and ink from Helen Wells
  5. I am willing to sit and listen for my daily message and write it in my sketchbook – thanks to Jessica Swift.
  6. I love to “mess up” my sketchbook as encouraged by Lewis Rossignol.

sticks to make marks

If you are looking for support and encouragement and an online printmaking class, then check out the current classes.

make marks in your sketchbook

Things I have learned lately – Making ART Read More »

Play with Printmaking

Things can get serious. So that is why I routinely remind myself to put some play back into my printmaking.

Mock xray cyanotype gel print

Sometimes I get hung up on results, process or materials.

tiny eraser stamps

To get a lighter fresh approach I:

  • Try a new technique – tiny eraser stamps above
  • Use simple or new tool – rusted paper below
  • Use my ten pieces of paper idea

If you have a child or grandchild to print with that can be a great way to loosen up and play.

make art with kids

It takes time to really let yourself get into the play mode. Sometimes I need to make a mess and a bunch of ugly prints along the way.

experimental prints can be ugly

Yet, in the end something new usually emerges.

patterned papers

hand made artist book

I hope I have encouraged you to put some play into your printmaking today. Enjoy!

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Use what you have – Mark making tools

I love finding tools that make interesting line, patterns and textures.

stamping tools for monotype printing

When used with the gelatin plate and a thin layer of ink, I can make some interesting impressions.

thumbnail project - linda germain

Testing stamping tools

Today I cut up a paper tube into 1/2 inch circles and glued them together to get a stamping tool that creates a delicate fine line.

paper tube stamping tool

I can use the tool to stamp into the thin layer of ink on the gelatin plate as in the photo below.

stamped into mark gelatin printing

And then when there gets to be a thin layer of ink built up on the end of the tool, I can off print a delicate line style of mark.

stamped off mark gelatin printing

I encourage you to explore your recycle bin for new “stamping tools”. If you would like some support in developing mark making skills, then check out the Make Marks + Books, workshop.

This online printmaking class is about embracing a light hearted approach to making many transparent layers, resulting in an artist’s book.

Use what you have – Mark making tools Read More »

Use what you have

As mixed media artists we collect things.

artist book with brown paper bag

We see the potential in the unwanted and cast off.

found stamping tools to use with gelatin printmaking

I need to remind myself to “use what I have” every once in a while. Have you ever surprised yourself by making a delicious soup, when there was “no food” in the kitchen.

When I glance around my studio I see:

  • I have plenty of time
  • I have many tables and plenty of space
  • Stencils, paper, prints and stamping tools
  • Printers, computers
  • Window to the street
  • Dad for company

Surely there is no need to shop for more stuff.

studio mess

One challenge that I love to give myself is to use what I already have. So I think I will take some time and sort through my space and stuff to find a focus for my next project.

black out poem in book page

What do you think? Could you find your next art project by examining what you already have?

Try it!

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