mark making

Easy is fun – make marks

I think of the freedom that some children have when making art. They seem to be so intensely in the moment and making marks with ease.

charcoal drawing

I think of ways that I could have that type of presence in my art making.

  • Easy repetitive marks
  • Using “kids” supplies like crayons
  • Call it done after just a few marks
  • And then get another piece of paper

use crayons like kids

How do you get into a kid like flow?

repetitive marks

One kid like tool that I have been exploring is the bingo dauber. I can make lots of dots really fast. And I can use it to make primitive drawings with broad lines.

bingo dauber a mark making tool

Can you think of ways to make art with the presence and joy of a child? I offer you that challenge.

dauber drawings

If you love the woods and use the forest as inspiration consider taking the mixed media class, Torn TREES- It is on sale this March for only $50.USD.

sketchbook spread

Easy is fun – make marks Read More »

Change up your routine

Today I walked on the wintery beach, instead of the snowy woods by the lake. Gosh, I am so lucky to have these places to walk.

driftwood found on beach walk

It is a 20 minute drive to the beach and only two minutes to the woods trail. And I am glad that I changed it up today. It was high tide which left a fresh trail of shells, seaweed and driftwood.

I followed a flock of sandpipers along the shore. I breathed in the salty air and enjoyed the ocean waves. On the way back I collected some driftwood sticks for an upcoming art project.

handmade daubers by linda germain

This change of scenery gave me a fresh start to the day. I encourage you:

  • to walk a new route,
  • notice the beauty,
  • and let it feed your creative day.

Just a reminder you can save $25. on the Make Marks + Books class until the end of February – now only $60. Read all the details on the workshop page.

make marks and books

Change up your routine Read More »

Video – Mark Marks style book

I have realized that the different approaches I take in mark making or journaling affect the final feel of the book. The Make Marks style book tends to be more cohesive and captures the emotions of one point in time.

Make Marks Linda Germain

The book feels more like a precious piece than the journal I have been creating lately. Both capture moments in time but I was surprised how different they feel when I look back a year or two.

Enjoy this short video of the Make Marks style book.

If you would like to:

  • Layer light gelatin plate impressions
  • Let your pencil or crayon wander
  • Make some stamping tools
  • Add rubbings and dark line
  • pull it together in one book

then join us in the online workshop Make Marks + Books. SAVE $25 this February – Now only $60.

Video – Mark Marks style book Read More »

Explore mark making in a book form

I am pleased to share that I am offering a $25 discount on the Make Marks + Books online class for the month of February 2025. Read all the details on the workshop page.

layer marks for an artist book

After completing the 15 short lessons you will have:

  • at least one cohesive artist’s book
  • a growing collection of found stamping tools
  • a few hand made cardboard relief stamps
  • a box of foam block stamps
  • a selection of raised rubbing tools
  • confidence to explore hand drawn fonts
  • a deeper understanding of your mark making vocabulary

make some stamping tools

This class is about discovering and combining different types of marks to use in a mostly abstract artist book.  After looking at the Make Marks style books that I have created, I felt that they were a cohesive expression of how I was feeling at the time. They feel more precious than the journal style books that I have been making lately.

make mark a mixed media class with Linda Germain

The class was originally designed as a weekend workshop. But as a self study you can do the lessons in an order and pace that fits your lifestyle.

Save $25 this month. Read all the details on the Make Marks + Books workshop page.

Explore mark making in a book form Read More »

Easy to make library pocket for sketchbooks

I have been enjoying adding little pockets to my sketchbooks. I thought you might like it too. So here is a quick video:

Supplies that you will need:

  • index card or 4″ x 6″ paper
  • scissors
  • glue
  • art supplies to decorate

decorate pocket with stamped marks

You can fill your sketchbook pockets with tiny art work, blank paper or other notes.

library pocket in sketchbook

I often decorate with hand stamped marks, crayon, watercolor and markers.  If you want to learn how make ting foam stamps, then check out the details of my online class, Stamp Making + Mixed Media Books. All the lessons are available now. This technique is great for making holiday tags, cards and small bits of wrapping paper.

hand stamp holiday tags and cards

Easy to make library pocket for sketchbooks Read More »