mark making

Video – Mark Marks style book

I have realized that the different approaches I take in mark making or journaling affect the final feel of the book. The Make Marks style book tends to be more cohesive and captures the emotions of one point in time.

Make Marks Linda Germain

The book feels more like a precious piece than the journal I have been creating lately. Both capture moments in time but I was surprised how different they feel when I look back a year or two.

Enjoy this short video of the Make Marks style book.

If you would like to:

  • Layer light gelatin plate impressions
  • Let your pencil or crayon wander
  • Make some stamping tools
  • Add rubbings and dark line
  • pull it together in one book

then join us in the online workshop Make Marks + Books. SAVE $25 this February – Now only $60.

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Explore mark making in a book form

I am pleased to share that I am offering a $25 discount on the Make Marks + Books online class for the month of February 2025. Read all the details on the workshop page.

layer marks for an artist book

After completing the 15 short lessons you will have:

  • at least one cohesive artist’s book
  • a growing collection of found stamping tools
  • a few hand made cardboard relief stamps
  • a box of foam block stamps
  • a selection of raised rubbing tools
  • confidence to explore hand drawn fonts
  • a deeper understanding of your mark making vocabulary

make some stamping tools

This class is about discovering and combining different types of marks to use in a mostly abstract artist book.  After looking at the Make Marks style books that I have created, I felt that they were a cohesive expression of how I was feeling at the time. They feel more precious than the journal style books that I have been making lately.

make mark a mixed media class with Linda Germain

The class was originally designed as a weekend workshop. But as a self study you can do the lessons in an order and pace that fits your lifestyle.

Save $25 this month. Read all the details on the Make Marks + Books workshop page.

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Easy to make library pocket for sketchbooks

I have been enjoying adding little pockets to my sketchbooks. I thought you might like it too. So here is a quick video:

Supplies that you will need:

  • index card or 4″ x 6″ paper
  • scissors
  • glue
  • art supplies to decorate

decorate pocket with stamped marks

You can fill your sketchbook pockets with tiny art work, blank paper or other notes.

library pocket in sketchbook

I often decorate with hand stamped marks, crayon, watercolor and markers.  If you want to learn how make ting foam stamps, then check out the details of my online class, Stamp Making + Mixed Media Books. All the lessons are available now. This technique is great for making holiday tags, cards and small bits of wrapping paper.

hand stamp holiday tags and cards

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Stamping backgrounds

I used my tiny handmade stamps to print some over all backgrounds. It is an easy way to get started in my sketchbook when I am feeling distracted.

hand stamped sketchbook page

I made a bunch of unique stamps with sticky backed foam. I like to ink these small stamps with broad tipped markers. This way I can ink the stamp with more than one color.

hand printed sketchbook page

Making several impressions with out re-inking allows me to make impressions with a range of value from light to dark. This makes for an interesting print.

hand stamped trees

Because these marks are hand printed, I can apply pressure to different parts of the stamp to get darker or lighter prints. The imperfect and incomplete trees above were created with just the one stamp. If you would like to explore this low tech method of mark making then check out the online class Stamp Making + Mixed Media Books.

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Stamp some marks

Why I like to work with tiny foam stamps:

They are fast and easy to make. You just need sticky back foam sheets and something to stick it to. I like to use recycled styrofoam produce trays. But you can use sturdy thin cardboard too.

supplies for making foam stamps

The stamped image can be simple but still impactful. Sometimes geometric shapes and patterns are enough. I like to keep the stamps small so they are easy to ink and print.

It can be addictive to make piles and piles of stamps. And yet they take up very little space and are quite easy to store.

tiny foam stamps by linda germain

I like to keep a sample book with a record of stamps that I have already made especially the word stamps.

They are easy to ink and print. I like to use broad nibbed markers. This avoids the need to buy a bunch of stamp pads that just dry out too fast. I can even use more than one color at a time.

foam stamp image

It is easy to make impressions of different values rather quickly. This can add depth to the print.

And they dry quickly and support the flow of working in my sketchbook.

foam stamping in sketchbook

I invite you to explore tiny stamp making with me. Read all the details of the new Stamp Making and Mixed Media Workshop.

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