
Start with what you already know

I am a teacher at heart.  I was given the opportunity to observe a teaching situation with my young nephew just a few days ago.  screen print and gelatin print by linda germain

The 7 year old wanted to draw a complex six armed surfing buddha.  He was used to having a tracing template at school.  And he wanted it to be “perfect” the first time.

Hmm how to help him?  I gathered the right tools, pencil and a soft eraser and lots of practice paper.  Then we broke the drawing down into shapes that he already knows, circles, smiley faces, triangles, sloping lines and more triangles.

I was able to see his drawing technique transform right before my eyes in just minutes!  At first he tried to draw the whole image from memory. Then as we drew the circles and smiley faces and triangles, he started to look at the picture for reference.

I told him we would transform the circles into “wave hands later.”  He was willing to wait and trust that he could do a rough drawing and transform it as he went along.

When you learn a new skill do you:

  • gather the right tools
  • lots of practice materials
  • start with what you already know
  • listen to a gentle teacher
  • willing to be imperfect

I suggest you give yourself these gifts the next time you set out to learn a new skill.

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What does your art apron look like?

L-Germain_IMG_4184-EditI love putting on my apron that is stained with the marks of making stuff.  I remember the special art apron my Gram gave me when I would paint with her.  Tools of a trade make you feel special, like you are a member of an elite group.

How about you do you love a clean apron, a stained paint shirt or something else?

Happy Printing


PS. If you are interested in my Make Monotypes class, join the special list today.  Registration will open soon.

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Making Monotypes without a Press

montage of monotype Prints by linda germain
montage of monotype Prints

How can you make prints without having a printing press?  You can use  few different methods:

Each method has it’s strengths and weakness, and therefore is better for certain applications.

A few years back, I took an intro to printmaking class and was hooked, but after the class ended I did not have a press to work with.

I tried an open studio at a local college but that was limiting too.  Eventually I found gelatin plate monotype printing and it was love at first “print.”  It is the ability to obtain a wonderful detailed impression without having a press that is the attraction for me. I also love the immediate, fluid process of gelatin printmaking.  Also I use non-toxic water based inks with the gelatin plate, which is good because I seem to be sensitive to oil based inks now.

Hand cut stencils can be used over and over again, but each time the impression is going to be different.

Mark making tools affect the ink differently every time.  I love that.

Do you prefer surprise or sameness?  If you are into surprise then be sure to join my mailing list to be the first to know about my upcoming e-course on Making Monotype with the Gelatin Plate.



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Be Inspired by Decay – Draw Doodle Print

seed pods for inspirationI am overwhelmed by all the possibilities in my life, day and art.  Sometimes I just have to stop and simplify.

Here in New England the plants are dying and shriveling up for the winter.  Today I stopped in the garden and pulled up a couple of seed pods  and did a couple of quick sketches on Index cards.  I love index cards ever since the Index Card a day challenge with Tammy Garcia from Daisy Yellow.  They are the perfect size for turning into small thermofax screens.  Then your drawing can be printed here and there and everywhere.

Do you see beauty in decay?  Do you use it in your work?


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Be Inspired by Marie Forleo

Enjoy this video and then list the 3 benefits that you offer others.  I am doing it!


My gelatin printmaking workshops create positive impact for you because-

  1. I give you a save place to play.  Play is essential to happiness.
  2. You discover or develop your ability to see beauty and possibility in what is right in front of you.
  3. You learn to embrace surprise and let go of failure and create potential!!!

Did you have a good giggle?


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