I move through most of my day on autopilot not really seeing what is before me. How about you?

There are times though when something crosses my path and makes me pause. These are times when I am really “seeing.”
I think as artists and printmakers that is our job and gift in life. We get to see things that most others do not notice. Then through our art making we help others to see differently too.
What do you think?
Sometimes I forget that seeing things differently is my gift and that it is my job to share it. But it only takes a few moments in nature or even a city street to remind me.
I challenge you to be open to seeing things differently today. I don’t think you can force it, just be open to it. I think something magic will happen for you.
One way artists see differently is we see shadows, shapes, textures and lines when others see things as whole objects. If you are building your artistic eyes, look for those elements instead of seeing objects.

We then use these elements of design to create something new. In screen printing we can focus on shapes and lines to create a matrix to pull lots of impressions of the same image. Then we can share that image with lots of people.

Here I took a drawing and photocopied it, reduced it and printed it on a transparency so I could burn an EZscreen for printing cards and mixed media art pieces.
This is a simplified emulsion based process that uses sunlight to harden the emulsion coated mesh in all the areas except for where the black design is. Then the screen is soaked in water and the soft emulsion under the design washes away. This leaves your with a screen for printing.

The blue screens above are examples of some images that I turned into screens. I use these for making cards, tea towels, napkins, and to add a detailed line drawing to mixed media work.
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