
daily doings

How do you get started in your art practice each day? I have a couple of tasks that get me going each day.

One, I pull random angel cards and write the words in my sketchbook.angel cards to start the studio day

I think a little how those ideas could guide my day. Then I make a list of 3 things that I could do. My default list is

  • 20 minutes of making
  • 20 minutes of cleaning
  • 20 minutes of draft writing

sketchbook linda germain

This list feels doable and gets me going when I am not sure where to start. I use it as a guide rather than a strict rule. Often I will be in the flow of one activity and just extend the time for another 20 minutes.

It is an amazing little way to gently trick myself into action. I remind myself that it is a tool to get me into action.

A couple of things  can happen:

  • I just do the 20 minutes for each task
  • or I am stimulated into an hour or more on a single task and I am pleased with my accomplishments
  • or I get a new idea and move into gentle action

I use the 20 minute timer on my  phone and I feel quite accomplished when I end up putting in several hours.

The 1-2-3 list  is about starting the activities. Once I get going it is sometimes easier to keep going for another 20 minutes and finish the task.

I would think you could craft the 1-2-3 list to meet your goals. What activities would you include? Reading, writing, sorting, purging, walking, napping, yoga, anything goes.

trees as subject matter for art making

A reminder: Save On the Torn Trees class for the month of March. Now only $50 Read all the details on the workshop page.

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Change up your routine

Today I walked on the wintery beach, instead of the snowy woods by the lake. Gosh, I am so lucky to have these places to walk.

driftwood found on beach walk

It is a 20 minute drive to the beach and only two minutes to the woods trail. And I am glad that I changed it up today. It was high tide which left a fresh trail of shells, seaweed and driftwood.

I followed a flock of sandpipers along the shore. I breathed in the salty air and enjoyed the ocean waves. On the way back I collected some driftwood sticks for an upcoming art project.

handmade daubers by linda germain

This change of scenery gave me a fresh start to the day. I encourage you:

  • to walk a new route,
  • notice the beauty,
  • and let it feed your creative day.

Just a reminder you can save $25. on the Make Marks + Books class until the end of February – now only $60. Read all the details on the workshop page.

make marks and books

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Make FREE events fit your style

I am a speaker in this years Sketchbook Revival hosted by Karen Abend. The event is packed with:

  • artist teachers
  • topics and materials and
  • Bonus resources

working in multiple sketchbooks

For me it can be a little overwhelming. But I have found a few ways to make the information manageable and to fit my learning style.

  1. I sign up for the FREE subscription
  2. I skim the daily videos
  3. Do only the lessons that inspire me
  4. Tweak the technique to my process

These approaches take the pressure off and let me experiment with new skills that I might want to incorporate into my sketchbook practice.

upside down thumbnail practice. And be sure to adjust the event to your learning style.

I am teaching my upside down thumbnails technique on October 1st. Hope to “see” you in class.

upside down thumbnail practice by linda germain

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Just Make Marks

I am learning that it is enough to just make marks. Joyful marks are even better.

mixed media journal page

Sometimes I can get caught up in needing to know why. Then I usually get stalled by the thinking in my head.

artist book page

The thing is when I just make marks and then more marks and then even more the result is a piece that is uniquely mine.

There is plenty of time in the domain of not knowing. There is some time when the marks seem precious.

When I can accept these states:

  • not knowing
  • dissatisfaction
  • preciousness
  • exploration

then I often get to a place of discovery or satisfaction.

mixed media printmaking

My new favorite mark is spraying pigment through found “stencils.” I diluted watercolor and put the mixture into a small spray bottle.

watercolor in spray bottles

If you try this method be sure to protect your table from the over spray. I love how fast it dries and how transparent the layers are.

found stencils for spritzing technique

All my classes are about mark making of some sort. See if there is one class that interests you.

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Ebb and flow of creating

It has been a good summer for small boat sailing, here in New England. There are a lot of factors that affect the decision to sail:

  • the wind speed and direction
  • the timing of the tides
  • and for me whether my brothers are willing to drag the boat over the beach to the shore.sunfish sailing

Creating is like sailing. Some days are better than others, but even on a “bad” day I can find something good about it.

I do the best I can given the conditions. Sometimes:

  • It is hard to get started, but after I do start I find myself enjoying it
  • The conditions are not ideal, like the studio is 90 degrees, so I print in short bursts of time.
  • There could be factors beyond my control and I just need to take a day off from creating.

doodling in sketchbook

I have created little travel kits, so I can create at home, in my car, or at the beach. This way I increase my chances of finding the time and energy to create. I can roll with the ebb and flow of my energy.

My travel kits are nothing special, just a baggie of markers, a pen, some small stamps and a journal.sketch travel kit

I have tried the more complex sketchbook kits, with watercolors and such, but they were too much for me and I never used them. We need to try lots of options and then do what works for each of us individually.

stamps sketchbook page

I find taking an art class can help with the ebb and flow of creation. I am following a couple of classes right now. I don’t always do the lessons as assigned. I try to take what is offered and tweak it to my style.

For example, the assignment was to collage in found images, as a background.  I adjusted it and collaged in photocopies of my own images. This feels more meaningful to me.

collage in sketchbook

So I encourage you to:

  • be open to the ebb and flow of making stuff
  • try a small travel kit specific to you
  • maybe take a class and tweak the lessons to your needs

If you like self paced online classes, then check out the classes I have to offer. Enjoy!

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