combined techniques

Easy is fun – make marks

I think of the freedom that some children have when making art. They seem to be so intensely in the moment and making marks with ease.

charcoal drawing

I think of ways that I could have that type of presence in my art making.

  • Easy repetitive marks
  • Using “kids” supplies like crayons
  • Call it done after just a few marks
  • And then get another piece of paper

use crayons like kids

How do you get into a kid like flow?

repetitive marks

One kid like tool that I have been exploring is the bingo dauber. I can make lots of dots really fast. And I can use it to make primitive drawings with broad lines.

bingo dauber a mark making tool

Can you think of ways to make art with the presence and joy of a child? I offer you that challenge.

dauber drawings

If you love the woods and use the forest as inspiration consider taking the mixed media class, Torn TREES- It is on sale this March for only $50.USD.

sketchbook spread

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Explore mark making in a book form

I am pleased to share that I am offering a $25 discount on the Make Marks + Books online class for the month of February 2025. Read all the details on the workshop page.

layer marks for an artist book

After completing the 15 short lessons you will have:

  • at least one cohesive artist’s book
  • a growing collection of found stamping tools
  • a few hand made cardboard relief stamps
  • a box of foam block stamps
  • a selection of raised rubbing tools
  • confidence to explore hand drawn fonts
  • a deeper understanding of your mark making vocabulary

make some stamping tools

This class is about discovering and combining different types of marks to use in a mostly abstract artist book.  After looking at the Make Marks style books that I have created, I felt that they were a cohesive expression of how I was feeling at the time. They feel more precious than the journal style books that I have been making lately.

make mark a mixed media class with Linda Germain

The class was originally designed as a weekend workshop. But as a self study you can do the lessons in an order and pace that fits your lifestyle.

Save $25 this month. Read all the details on the Make Marks + Books workshop page.

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Join Me – New Class – stamp making

I am excited about the new class that starts October 25th. This class is about:

  • Making small stamps out of sticky backed foam
  • Slipknot book form
  • a gelatin print lesson and
  • a bit of collage

I love this combination of techniques. There is something for everyone. So you can choose a focus that fits your interest at this time.

slipknot book with gelatin print and collage

The slipknot binding is great for sketchbooking, because it can be flipped and folded to always lie flat. It takes a bit of thread management to link the pages together, but it is a pretty easy book form.

Gelatin monotype with stamping

I am including a gelatin print session so you will have prints to respond to with collage and stamping.

The collage lesson is just to get beyond the blank page.

slipknot bound books

Read all the details and join us in Stamp Making + Mixed Media Book Workshop.

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Letting sketchbooks evolve

I have been working in 6 sketchbooks at once for the last few weeks. I started working this way so I could let wet marks  dry and still be in the flow.

working in multiple sketchbooks

I  do like having multiple books going at once but it can get a bit scattered too. So I started using a theme and that seemed to help the mark making flow.

letting sketches dry

Some of the “themes” that I have used:

  • draw 30 trees
  • add 20 flowers
  • fill in with birds

loose watercolor flowers

This gave me a goal that I could work across several sketchbooks at once. These 3 subjects were easy to add to my existing marks.

stylized horse drawing

Most recently I have been playing with stylized horses. These drawings are a work in progress. It is a challenge to work through ugly renderings. I find I like the simple loose line drawings best. A horse sketch needs more of a whole page compared to birds, flowers and trees.

fill in with bird drawings

If you are looking for a little sketchbook inspiration and instruction then check out the self-study online classes available now.

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Simple tools – bold marks

I love to keep the printmaking process simple and non-toxic. That is one reason that I enjoy gelatin printmaking so much.

simplified gelatin plate monotype prints

I also enjoy the easy printmaking process of relief printing. Sticky back foam and scissors make this even easier.

foam relief stamps

The simpler the design the more I like it. Stamp pads can be expensive and the ones I buy dry up too fast. I found a way to ink the foam plates with broad nib markers.

broad tip poster markers to ink foam relief plate

I can quickly print these stamps in books and on papers. I love that I can use limited supplies and have very little clean up. And because I am using water based markers to “ink” the foam stamps everything is dry very quickly.

foam stamps printed on book page

I have made quite a stack of little foam stamps over the last few weeks. Some inspired by nature walks.

tiny foam bird stamps by linda germain

I think small is good for this process, because they are easy to ink and print. I have made a few that are about 6″ long and I think that is big enough.

blue bell foam stamp

hand stamped cat print

Check out the self study printmaking classes that are available now.


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