book arts

Learning at Book Arts Workshop

Last week I had the opportunity to be a student for 7 days of printmaking and book arts at USM in portland, ME. I unpacked all my creations and experiments today and am pleasantly pleased.

Book Arts program at USM

We had 8 different instructors and covered things like intaglio, relief printing, coptic binding, long stitch, hand drawn fonts, paste papers, poetry writing, accordion folds and altered books. WOW! A lot to pack into 7 days.

Altered book with coptic binding

Above it the the book that I made with the guidance of Anna Lowe of the Purple Bean Bindery She made learning fun and easy.

Long stitched book

This long stitch bound book was made on the last day, under the skillful guidance of Martha Kearsley of the Strong Arm Bindery.

Learning to draw a font

Walter Tisdale, book artist from Bangor, ME showed us how to learn, tweak and modify the Neuland type face. We practiced hand drawing, cut a set of letter stamps and cut a complete stencil of letters to build muscle memory.

Foam Relief prints - hand printed

I was pleased to learn another approach to the low tech form of relief printing, from Pilar Nadal of Pickwick Independent Press. I treated myself to  working big and embracing her ideas.

Three take aways as a book arts student:

  1. Bring plenty of supplies but don’t limit yourself to using them
  2. Embrace the approach that is being taught
  3. To really remember the new technique, teach it to someone else right away.

I will be sharing more about my process and discoveries in the next few days.

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Video to inspire action

Learn bookbinding process in the Mixed Media printmakers course online with Linda GermainWould you like:

  • to do something with all your unfinished prints
  • to commit a little more time to your art practice this month
  • to learn sewn tape book binding technique
  • to be supported by a global community of mixed media printmakers

If you said yes, then join us for the Mixed Media Printmaker’s Retreat.

It is an 8 day course designed:

  • to jumpstart your commitment to your practice,
  • build skills and
  • give you the support and encouragement that you need to get things done.

Be inspired to sign up – watch this short video – then go get your supplies in order.

Click here to check out the details and sign up today.

Video to inspire action Read More »

Printmakers Retreat is Evolving

make books with your pile of gelatin prints

I got a lot of feedback about what would be important to have in a mixed media printmakers retreat. I have been considering your desires carefully.

I think it is best to simplify and focus on one or two objectives. (Because we can always have another week long retreat.)

This is the plan so far:

  • A week long online course to support you in dedicating a little more time to your art practice – starting August 26th, a Wednesday.
  • Each day will begin with refreshing your mind set, be it, a walk, a writing, a mediation or other activity to support your commitment to your art retreat.
  • The skill based focus of this course will be learning several book forms to transform those piles of prints into works of art.
  • One week long project that I will offer is to develop a series of 8 prints that are heavily layered and revealed. Each day we will use a new method to develop the layers.
  • Finally, I hope to create the retreat environment by supporting you in pulling an all nighter, listening to artist talks and finding an empowering way to critique your work.

If you have any questions about this online retreat, then please email me and I will be happy to help.

Printmaking Interest
Do you crave time for your art making?

You will also receive a weekly email about printmaking ideas, challenges and courses.

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One Page Gelatin Print Book

a Folded one page gelatin print book……

for the ICAD challenge today.  I was teaching a book arts class tonight and thought it would be fun to make the index card into a tiny book.

I love this book form.  It is fun to:

  • gelatin print on both sides of the paper
  • press the book so it lays flat (over night if you have to)
  • glue several together
  • open the book into a sculptural piece

I love the flexibility of gelatin prints.

Enjoy your day!

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