book arts

Explore mark making in a book form

I am pleased to share that I am offering a $25 discount on the Make Marks + Books online class for the month of February 2025. Read all the details on the workshop page.

layer marks for an artist book

After completing the 15 short lessons you will have:

  • at least one cohesive artist’s book
  • a growing collection of found stamping tools
  • a few hand made cardboard relief stamps
  • a box of foam block stamps
  • a selection of raised rubbing tools
  • confidence to explore hand drawn fonts
  • a deeper understanding of your mark making vocabulary

make some stamping tools

This class is about discovering and combining different types of marks to use in a mostly abstract artist book.  After looking at the Make Marks style books that I have created, I felt that they were a cohesive expression of how I was feeling at the time. They feel more precious than the journal style books that I have been making lately.

make mark a mixed media class with Linda Germain

The class was originally designed as a weekend workshop. But as a self study you can do the lessons in an order and pace that fits your lifestyle.

Save $25 this month. Read all the details on the Make Marks + Books workshop page.

Explore mark making in a book form Read More »

Make FREE events fit your style

I am a speaker in this years Sketchbook Revival hosted by Karen Abend. The event is packed with:

  • artist teachers
  • topics and materials and
  • Bonus resources

working in multiple sketchbooks

For me it can be a little overwhelming. But I have found a few ways to make the information manageable and to fit my learning style.

  1. I sign up for the FREE subscription
  2. I skim the daily videos
  3. Do only the lessons that inspire me
  4. Tweak the technique to my process

These approaches take the pressure off and let me experiment with new skills that I might want to incorporate into my sketchbook practice.

upside down thumbnail practice. And be sure to adjust the event to your learning style.

I am teaching my upside down thumbnails technique on October 1st. Hope to “see” you in class.

upside down thumbnail practice by linda germain

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Sketchbook revival – get inspired

I am happy to share, that I am one of guest artists in this year’s sketchbook revival. It’s free so sign up today.

There are 30+ FREE art lessons over the course of two weeks. Some will resonate. You decide. I have participated as  student for the last few years and always got new ideas for my art practice.

Once you register you have access to three welcome lessons. I just enjoyed the French Link book binding tutorial by Chanel Ly. I have made a little french link sketchbook and I am waiting for the glue to dry.

french link binding

The daily lessons will start on September 23rd.

I am sharing the Upside Down Thumbnails exercise on October 1st.

thumbnail studies

There are extended bonus options available too. Hope to “see” you in class.

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Simple tools – bold marks

I love to keep the printmaking process simple and non-toxic. That is one reason that I enjoy gelatin printmaking so much.

simplified gelatin plate monotype prints

I also enjoy the easy printmaking process of relief printing. Sticky back foam and scissors make this even easier.

foam relief stamps

The simpler the design the more I like it. Stamp pads can be expensive and the ones I buy dry up too fast. I found a way to ink the foam plates with broad nib markers.

broad tip poster markers to ink foam relief plate

I can quickly print these stamps in books and on papers. I love that I can use limited supplies and have very little clean up. And because I am using water based markers to “ink” the foam stamps everything is dry very quickly.

foam stamps printed on book page

I have made quite a stack of little foam stamps over the last few weeks. Some inspired by nature walks.

tiny foam bird stamps by linda germain

I think small is good for this process, because they are easy to ink and print. I have made a few that are about 6″ long and I think that is big enough.

blue bell foam stamp

hand stamped cat print

Check out the self study printmaking classes that are available now.


Simple tools – bold marks Read More »

Take an art vacation

I just got back from a week at Maine Media. Oh boy did I need to get away. And I am glad to be back in the studio with renewed energy and ideas.

tetra pak intaglio plates

I have joined in on some online courses this year and they have been stimulating too. But working in person with instructors and fellow artists offers another energy.

The class was “A Sense of Place” with Isobel Lewis. We explored Rockport Harbor on the first day and did several drawings to capture the feel and essence. Luckily it was a sunny spring day.

rockport harbor

We spent the week making marks and working the papers into several different book forms.

accordion book

The book above was formed with 4 Tetra Pak intaglio prints. I love the loose threads that symbolize the ropes and lines of the boating community.

tetra pak print by Linda Germain

Enjoy a short video of a single sheet accordion book that a made during the week.

Consider giving yourself the gift of an art vacation. Some of the places that I have enjoyed:

Check your local art schools for more options.


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