I recently realized that, I enjoy the hunt when making mixed media pieces. It is the process of sorting through papers and materials to find a pleasing combination that is most fun.

I like to use old books as art materials. And going to a library book sale is a treat. I like the last day when I can fill a bag with books for a few dollars. If you want to find a book sale near you check out this website. These are books that are headed to the recycle bin, so no reason to feel guilty.

I love gently taking the spine apart and revealing the materials that make up the spine of the book. These treasures make unique collage materials.

Every book is different and has something special to offer. Some books are good for black out poems.

It is fun to hunt for words that when combined give new meaning to the page. Recently, I realized that it matters to me what the book is about. Even though I am not reading the books and using them for their intended purpose the words matter. I want words to peek through and to draw the view in.

Another hunting expedition that I enjoy is finding mark making tools. I love to find a tool that I can dip into ink or paint and make patterned paper or delicate inked marks. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

Making a collage is a lot of hunting and deciding what to keep and what to let go.

Ask yourself:
- Do you hunt for materials and ideas in your art process?
- Do you enjoy the hunt?
Consider joining me in Books as ART Materials, a mixed media online class. Read all the details on the workshop page.