Are you thinking about making holiday gifts?

Time to start making your holiday gifts!

  • Do you love to play with printmaking?
  • Do you have a pile of prints in your studio?
  • Do you like to make handmade gifts?

printed gifts with linda germain

Printed Gifts is an online art class to help you turn some prints and printed materials into holiday gifts. This class is for folks who already have a pile of gelatin prints and who may need design and compositional help.

It is a short actionable class designed to help you transform prints into small gifts that you can enjoy, give away or even sell.

With the holiday season just around the corner, this is the perfect time to join us in this online printmaking class.

Check out the details and register today, so you have plenty of time to turn some prints into gifts!

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Printing from Manhole cover

I have seen the wonderful videos floating around by I have been looking for some local manhole covers that might make an interesting print.

manhole cover as art

I have admired the texture and patterns of things in the street for years.

manhole cover as printing surface

I was searching for a safe place to print from a manhole cover. And a place that was a little inconspicuous.

high contrast image of street pattern

I used this pattern to make a screen print many years ago. Do you notice what is at your feet?

more manhole covers for inspiration

Get in close and see if from a new angle. You might be inspired.

printing from manhole cover haverhill ma

I found this one right near the shop. It is one the side walk instead of the street. So I could safely play with making some prints.

manhole cover printed t-shirt

I pulled a couple of prints on some old t-shirts. I was quite pleased with the impression. This is a mirror image so the you can read the printing.

asymmetrical printed t shirt from manhole cover

I think that the asymmetrical placement of the marks is interesting. It takes quite bit of ink to get the surface “primed” so it would be better to print several at a time.

close up of drain in street

I encourage you to pause and notice the textures and patterns at your feet. Who knows it may inspire your next printmaking session.

metal covers in the street inspire printmaking

Embrace the beauty before you. Be inspired.

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Where to find Glycerin for printing plate?

I am getting ready for the gelatin printmaking class at the Museum of Printing, this Saturday. I am excited about the live in person workshop. You still have time to join this in person class.making gelatin plates for printmaking

I am making the gelatin and glycerin printing plates for everyone in the class. The long lasting printing plate is made of only 3 ingredients:

  1. Water
  2. Gelatin and
  3. Glycerin

water gelatin and glycerin plate for printmaking

I have lots of gelatin, but I needed to buy some glycerin. Glycerin can be hard to find.

It is usually in the first aid section of the pharmacy near the calamine lotion and band aids and witch hazel.
gelatin plates hardening

I needed a lot. Each plate takes two 6 oz bottles of glycerin, so I thought I would order it online from Walmart, as I had done in the past.

But the online price was $1 more per 6 oz bottle. Hmmm? Well I drove around and found what I needed at a few local superstores. But I guess I am going to have to plan a head for getting glycerin. The online prices and quantities are all over the place as far a pricing. I wonder what is going on?

In the past, I have found 6 oz bottles of glycerin at:

  • Walmart
  • CVS
  • Walgreens, Rite Aid and similar pharmacies

But in the future I may need to go online to:

Glycerin gives the gelatin printing plate longevity and strength. You can make a printing plate with just gelatin and water, but it only lasts for a few weeks.

use wide hands to carry the gelatin plate

If you would like the recipe to make the gelatin and glycerin plate then join the mailing list below and I will send you the info.

Make a Glycerin & Gelatin Printing Plate Now!
Get the FREE recipe to make a gel printing plate

Additionally, you will receive a weekly email about printmaking, ideas, tips and courses.

Join us today and start having fun!




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Dyeing with Rit Dye

I cycle through working with fabric at different times. Recently I was admiring indigo fabrics and thought I would give it a try.

shibori dyed fabric

I am super sensitive to fumes and chemicals, so I used the liquid Rit Dye. That way I did not have to deal with mixing powders. I was going to follow some of the indigo recipes and mix black and blue, but I found that I really liked the Denim Blue alone.

fabric dyed with Rit shibori style

I am not sure how long the open bottle will last but I have had it for a couple of weeks and I am still able to get a nice blue. I am not aiming for perfect even coverage though.

dyed and screen printed fabric

Today I dyed a sack cloth that I had screen printed. I dyed the whole piece in a mason jar.

  • Hot water,
  • a bit of salt,
  • 2 teaspoons of liquid Rit dyed
  • and the white cloth was transformed.

hand printed and dyed fabric

I really like how the blue square image pops with the blue dye. The ochre gecko image is a bit dull or mottled but I am ok with it.

screen printed fabric with a paper stencil

This is the sack cloth with just the screen printed square.

The Rit Dye folks have a lot of great information, tutorials and mixing recipes check it out.


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Season to print with leaves

I can’t resist picking up interesting leaves on my walks around town.

leaves for printmaking

These curled and dried leaves I used a few days ago. They worked fine for one day of printing, but because they were not preserved, they quickly dry out and become too brittle for using with the gelatin plate.

Today I was looking for imperfect leaves with holes and tears.

gelatin plate monotype prints with leaves

I played with layering for a while and then when things got a little too chaotic I stopped thinking of them a leaf prints and more as interesting textures.

play with gelatin printmaking

I added a few paper stencils, the horse, the bird and the branch. I slowly got darker with the subsequent layers.

horse monotype print

Things all come together in the end. I find I need to loosely have an idea and then go with the flow as the prints develop.

I you would like to print with me for a full day, on October 14th and you are local to Haverhill, MA, then check out the details and register today. This is a rare in person gelatin printmaking workshop.


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