Seeing things differently
Our perception is our reality. And we can learn to perceive things differently. Okay that was a little deep. Let’s lighten up.
In my recent days, I have been doing a lot of line drawings of faces. I have done self portraits, zoom participants, and other images as references. I have to admit most of the drawings are not very strong likenesses of the subject.
This does not bother me. I am using the drawing process to change my perception and to build my seeing/drawing skills. I like the quick contour line drawing format. It is easy to squeeze in a few drawings every day.
I can practice noticing the different shapes of peoples facial features even when I am not drawing. This will help improve my actual drawings.
So much can be expressed in a simple line. Take emojis for example. Emotion is conveyed with just a few lines. I would love to develop the skills to capture unique expression with limited line.
One way that I try to learn to perceive differently is to do a drawing based on a photo and then trace the contour lines of the photo. Then compare the traced lines to the ones that I thought I saw in the first drawing (without tracing).
It is very helpful to me. For example this last drawing was based on a tracing from a photo of myself. I notice that my eyes are not equal and my face is not as long as I usually draw it. I challenge you to question your perception today. Be open to seeing in a new way.
If you want to explore, drawing, tracing and monoprinting to expand your seeing skills, then consider the online class, Draw into Print – a trace monotype workshop. Read all the details on the workshop page.
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