Seeing things differently

Our perception is our reality. And we can learn to perceive things differently. Okay that was a little deep. Let’s lighten up.

In my recent days, I have been doing a lot of line drawings of faces. I have done self portraits, zoom participants, and other images as references. I have to admit most of the drawings are not very strong likenesses of the subject.

self portrait line drawing

This does not bother me. I am using the drawing process to change my perception and to build my seeing/drawing skills. I like the quick contour line drawing format. It is easy to squeeze in a few drawings every day.

mixed media selfie

I can practice noticing the different shapes of peoples facial features even when I am not drawing. This will help improve my actual drawings.

contour line drawing

So much can be expressed in a simple line. Take emojis for example. Emotion is conveyed with just a few lines. I would love to develop the skills to capture unique expression with limited line.

One way that I try to learn to perceive differently is to do a drawing based on a photo and then trace the contour lines of the photo. Then compare the traced lines to the ones that I thought I saw in the first drawing (without tracing).

trace photo for contour line drawing

It is very helpful to me. For example this last drawing was based on a tracing from a photo of myself. I notice that my eyes are not equal and my face is not as long as I usually draw it. I challenge you to question your perception today. Be open to seeing in a new way.

If you want to explore, drawing, tracing and monoprinting to expand your seeing skills, then consider the online class, Draw into Print – a trace monotype workshop. Read all the details on the workshop page.

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Explore Meditative Marks

What is your go to doodle? Do scribble while you are in meetings or on the phone? This may be a way to engage a different part of your brain.Meditative marks

Lately, my marks have been dashes and lines with watercolor or acrylic ink. Sometimes I do long lines that become a structure for a list on another day.meditative marks by linda germain

I think you could make what ever doodle or mark feels good then explore it. It could be a way to quiet the mind or to get your creative juices flowing. And I bet you will end up with some cool patterned papers that can be used for collage projects.

painted meditative marks

I suggest:

  • Use whatever ink, pen or paint that is handy
  • Play with different media and paper
  • Trust your gut. Let go of needing to know.

painted meditative marks

Check out the current online classes that are available now.

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A little art making everyday

Do you have expectations about what your art practice should be?

gelatin print by linda germain

I do. I often get stuck in my tag line, printmaking without a press. Hmm? So does that mean I can’t draw, paint or make books?

abstract doodles

I am trying to shed that limiting belief. It is challenging.

What does it indicate when I don’t feel like printing and would rather draw or paint?

feelings collage

I am trying hard to roll with the different interests and to trust that it will lead to a new artistic expression. I am embracing the idea of trusting the process and that the product will be revealed.

It is hard to be in between things, not knowing the end result.

drawing on old book page

I have tried to force myself to do old practices to see if they could stimulate interest and desire to print, but they have not worked that way. I think the important action I can take is to keep trying different approaches and to embrace an attitude of patience with the process.

If you are in between things, sometimes taking a class can give you a boost. Check out the current workshops that are available.

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Looking at Faces

I have been playing with quick sketches of faces.

loose portrait sketch

I think my seeing is improving. I am starting to see the different shapes that the facial features can take.stylized portrait

I practice my “seeing” the shape of eyes, nose and mouth, as I watch videos and talk to people. I am enjoying this relaxed way of learning.

crayon and watercolor portrait

I have been exploring different drawing materials. My current favorites:

  • Gray crayola crayon
  • Prang watercolors
  • Black gel penportrait with crayon and watercolor

I like to work in 2 or 3 small notebooks at one time. That way the watercolors have time to dry. I have bound a bunch of Enso’s that I did earlier this year. I was wondering what I was going to do with all those zen circles.

zen circles - enso

They are painted on 90 lb. drawing paper and the paper is a little warped, but I was still pretty successful in using the double fan glue binding to hold 20 pages together.

If you have a lot of single sheet papers that you would like to bind into a book, then check out the class Bound Prints. I teach you how to use the glue based, double fan binding.

artist book


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Creating new habits

Every so often my subject matter changes. I am usually drawn to:

  • Trees
  • Leaves and weeds
  • Text and fonts
  • Birds

However, I often will do a quick contour line self portrait.

self portrait

But recently I have wanted to develop a loose line portrait style. So I have been playing in 4 sketchbooks and creating some sketches with varying degrees of satisfaction.

scribbly face drawings

I am looking online and tried the Sktchy Museum app that has all kinds of portraits that I can use as reference. But they did not mean much to me and so I was not very interested in the drawing.

stylized portrait

I also noticed that my subjects often have a sad expression. I looked closer at eyes and mouths to see what is involved in producing a happier expression. I am still learning.

contour line drawing

So I searched my own photos and found some family members that I plan to use as a photo reference for my next set of sketches. I have more interest in these subjects, so hopefully I will want to put a little more effort into the drawing.

pencil sketch

I am hoping that:

  • My seeing skills become stronger
  • My hand and eye become more coordinated
  • I learn ways to stylize elements of the portrait
  • I have fun doing it!

If you are looking for an online art class check out the self-studies that I am offering.

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