5 places to get Tyvek® for making stencils

Tyvek® is great for making stencils. So what is it and where can I get some?

tyvek stencils used for making cards with the gelatin plate

It  is a brand of flashspun high-density polyethylene fibers, a synthetic material; the name is a registered trademark of the DuPont company, known for their production of chemicals and textiles. Tyvek® is often used as housewrap, a synthetic material used to protect buildings during construction.

I comes in different weights and structures for different uses. Check out the DuPont site for all that info.

You can find Tyvek®:

  1. Construction site dumpster – house wrap. Or if you need a lot check out a hardware store for Tyvek® house wrap.
  2. Staples + Office supplies stores sell Tyvek® envelopes. This is an affordable option if you can buy them in small quantities.
  3. Staples sells – JAM tyvek paper
  4. USPS – Uses Tyvek® envelops for their priority mail service – You could recycle those envelopes.
  5. Material Concepts – is an online seller of Tyvek® and sometimes you can get odd lot rolls – their Excess Inventory for a reasonable price.
  6. Get creative, tell your friends that you need Tyvek® for your art. Look for things that are made with tyvek that you could repurpose.

Be inspired by Beatrice Coron – a paper cutting artist, who uses a lot of Tyvek®.

If you want to learn more about making stencils from Tyvek® and other materials, then join us in the online class, Hand Printed Cards. Class is starting soon.

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Stay Motivated – 8 ways

Sometimes you need a little inspiration to feed your art practice.

Studio wall

I have been feeding my art practice in many ways these past few weeks and I am beginning to feel renewed. My mind is buzzing with new ideas. So I share these motivating activities with you hoping that they might help you too.

1 – Take walks and notice the beauty

Merrimack river Haverhill MA

Whether I do the bridge to bridge loop in the city or the woods and lake trail, I always return to the studio with new energy. So squeeze in a walk and see what happens.

2 – Embrace the seasonal changes

vine on the wall

Spring in New England overs new growth and new colors. Play with the colors of the season.

3 – Be with Happy People

be happy

I am lucky to enjoy the company of my twin nephews a couple times a week. You will be amazed at how much the creative energy of young people can give you new energy too.

4 – Take a Art Class

collage by linda germain

I love taking classes and I always find a way to incorporate something into my art practice. Right now I am enjoying Fine Art Collage with Melinda Tidwell. I am dreaming about shapes! Check out the workshops that I am currently offering.

5 – Get some new supplies

Books for making art collages

I always love the hunt for new “supplies.” Often they are found object stamping tools. But these days I am into using that parts of hard cover books. I got all these books for $5 at a local library sale. Happy happy!

Collage with book parts

This is one of my recent collages, made with book parts.

6 – Use up some supplies

pillows with monoprinted cloth

I have stack of monoprinted fabric. So I quickly made a new pillow cover. I used some to make book cloth to cover a big paper weight.

book cloth covered brick for paper weight

7 – Watch an art documentary

REX ray on PBS

I found some Rex Ray images on Pinterest a while back. And was reminded of his style in the collage class. Then I found this documentary on PBS. I was inspired by how real he seemed to be. So whether it is Rex Ray or another artist, do a web search for art documentaries.

8 – Doodle in your sketchbook

doodle in sketchbook

I do this most mornings with my coffee. And most of the time it is not much of anything. It is an Artist’s Way style of brain dump.

rex ray inspired collage

My Rex Ray inspired collage

fabric monoprinted with gel plate

Monoprinted fabric with masking tape stencils

I hope I have shared something that will help you renew your energy and art practice. Enjoy!


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Fun with gel prints and the Drum Leaf binding

I just had a wonderful weekend at Maine Media Workshops in Rockport Maine.

I took a 2 day class with Todd Pattison on drum leaf binding.

Drum leaf binding books

The beauty of the drum leaf binding is that:

  • quick and easy {relatively so :)}
  • no sewing needed
  • opens flat
  • shows off a full page print

I was able to use gelatin prints that I had made on different paper weights.

drum leaf books with gelatin prints

The two prints on the top were made with a thicker paper and Akua inks, the one on the right edge was 90 lb. sulphite drawing paper and the one in the foreground was a mat photo paper.

I am off to the studio to make a few more books to really cement my learning into my muscles.

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What is possible – monoprinting fabric

Today I am playing and discovering the different kinds of marks that are possible with the gelatin plate, stencils, mark making tools and inks.

monoprinting fabric

A lot happens very quickly when I roll out the ink and lay down stencils. The challenge is to transfer marks before the ink is too dry.

monoprinted fabric linda germain

There is ink on the brayer and on the plate that can be used to make marks on the fabric. The skill develops the more I understand where to place what kinds of marks to make pleasing prints.

fern printed fabric

For example in the print above:

  • the white ferns are made with a masking stencil over a layer of ink.
  • the blue and yellow ferns are made with the ink left behind/under the masking stencil
  • the background marks were made with brayer rubbings
gelatin plate print on fabric

So when playing with printing on fabric, skill develops as awareness grows about the actions that make certain types of impressions. This can be challenging for folks who like to be in control or make predictable and repeatable mark.

The marks above are similar but not the same. The happy surprises are what I love about gelatin printmaking. I also love:

  • easy clean up
  • low tech tools
  • non- toxic inks
  • able to print at home
  • fun to share with friends!
  • lovely details with just hand pressure
  • no press needed
  • fast and spontaneous

If you are interested in some guided discover and playful printmaking with the gelatin plate and fabric then check out the details of the online printmaking workshop, Monoprinting on Fabric. Class starts soon.

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Play with the same tools!

If you use

  • the same stencils or
  • mark making tools or
  • colors and
  • the same kind of fabric

then it is easier to work them into a completed project.

gelatin print on fabric

I have been using the mark making tools below and stone like stencils to make these gelatin prints on fabric. I am not sure what they will become. Maybe a tote bag.

mark making tools for gel printing

One of the challenges for me is to use all the fabric that I print! The quickest way to use up some of the large stash it to make a quilt.

quilt gel block

So I have a crazy quilt in process. It is kind of a sampler or all my marks. When I started piecing the quilt together, I was glad that I used a lot of the same kind of fabric and colors. That way the mismatched piece go together more easily.

If you are interested in making monoprints on fabric with the gelatin plate then join us in the online printmaking class, Monoprinting Fabric. Read the details on the workshop page and join us. Class starts soon.

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