Easier instructions – Make the Gelatin & Glycerin plate

I am very pleased to share with you that I have simplified the instructions on how to make the glycerin and gelatin plate for making prints.

One of my students actually simplified the steps and has graciously given me permission to share with you her discovery.

supplies to make the gelatin and glycerin plate

I have found that I only need 3 boxes of gelatin, 2 bottles of glycerin and 2 cups of hot boiling water.

The new trick is to really let the gelatin and glycerin bloom, before adding the hot water. And then use the microwave or double boiler to finish dissolving.

You can get the full instructions and the video tutorial when you join the list.

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Make a Glycerin & Gelatin Printing Plate Now!
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If you are looking for some help making gelatin prints that you love, then you might be interested in the Gelatin Printmaking Workshop.

delicate gelatin plate monotype print

It is an online self study with more than 30 short videos teaching:

  • how to make and use stencils
  • find and alter stamping tool
  • control and modify inks
  • maintain the plate and much more.

Read the details on the printmaking workshop page.

Easier instructions – Make the Gelatin & Glycerin plate Read More »

Be inspired by your own work

As I sort through stuff in my studio, I have been pleasantly surprised by some of my older prints and drawings.

watercolor painting of dog

I was reminded of:

  • ways that I fearlessly used tools
  • how I explored and exhausted a subject matter
  • to try it and see what happens
  • use non-traditional papers
  • made lots of prints get a few that I loved

mixed media screen print of fish

I found these gelatin prints and was reminded to work with an attitude of play and discovery.

horse print by linda germain

Here I freely scribbled with pastels to unify and complete this little gelatin plate monotype print. I am looking forward to add some scribble and play back into my daily practice.

gelatin print with sewing

Here I was reminder to get my sewing machine out, pull out the thread and make some perforated prints. I love the texture and surprise that thew sewn mark makes on paper.

blank face portrait

Here I thought about how much I like to simplify and make a few bold marks. And to even let the imperfection show through.

gelatin monotype with typed text

This gelatin plate monotype print was made on a stream of conscious style typed paper. Tells me to start playing with my old typewriter again.

I hope this encourages you to look through some of your older work with a sense of discovery.

Maybe you will how much your style has:

  • stayed the same
  • changed or developed.

Hopefully what you do find will make you smile.

Get support from an online class. Check out the current offerings on the printmaking workshop page.

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Let go of stuff you don’t use

Maybe it is the change of seasons, but I have had the urge to simplify my studio space. I have collected:

  • paints
  • pencils, pens
  • markers
  • cutting tools
  • mark making tools
  • stencils
  • brushes, sponges
  • books, papers
  • brayers and inks

workspace - linda germain

I want to:

  • go through my stuff
  • keep what I love and use
  • let go of the rest, that includes the “should” keep and “might use someday”

Now it has taken years to collect all this stuff, so I am going to be patient and give myself plenty of time to sort through it and let go of what I no longer want.

recycled storage containers

As a mixed media artist, I go through phases and try out different techniques and tools. Some processes I like and keep and others while it was fun to try, I know it will not be part of my daily process.

clean workbench linda germain

I couple of ways I approach the process:

  1. Sit in my  studio and look around. Notice what inspired me and what drags me down.
  2. Clean my main worktable. That gets me feeling good quickly
  3. Sort and purge stuff that is stored under tables. This is the stuff that I have not used in a while, so it must not be that important to me. This also creates “new” space to store stuff that I do use.
  4. Sort a little each day
  5. Take breaks and acknowledge the process that I have made
  6. Take pictures to document the process
  7. Even 5 or 10 minutes of sorting will create improvement

hand printed less is more print by linda germain

I hope you find some of these ideas helpful. Enjoy your studio!!!

Get support from an online class. Check out the current offerings on the printmaking workshop page.

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Make the most of your drawings

If you have been following me for a while, then you may know that I do not love to draw. And drawing is the basis for a lot of printmaking techniques.

drawing fluid method screen print by linda germain

So I am really excited when I can make a drawing live on in a new way by using it as a matrix for a printmaking process.

screen filler screens for printmaking

I am getting ready for the online printmaking class, Pulling Screen Prints. So I pulled out my box of tools and screens.

I have a few images/screens that I made more than 7 years ago.

mixed media print by linda germain

Drawing fluid type screens are really not meant to be saved and used for long periods of time. But I made these on homemade screens, with canvas stretchers and Tulle for screen mesh.

make your own screen for printing

Over the years I have collected screens of different qualities and sizes. Small screens are nice for random all over printing and are easy to store. Bigger screens are good for more exact printing and large runs of the same image.

Today I wanted to see if this giraffe image would still print. So I covered the areas of the screen that I did not need and pulled a couple of quick test prints.

giraffe image ready to print

I am pleased to say that the image is still printing nicely. So I am thinking that I might create some abstract background layers on a bunch of papers and then print the giraffe on top.

screen print of giraffe by linda germain

Emulsion type screens, like the EZscreen or thermofax screens are really great for converting drawings and photos into a long lasting screen for mixed media printmaking.

EZscreens made from drawings and photos

They are small and can be easily stored flat in folders.

screen printed hand towels

Get support from an online class. Check out the current offerings on the printmaking workshop page.

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12 ways that I have used screen printing

Screen printing can be a way to print lots of similar impressions.

screen printed cloth bag

Here I used several small emulsion screens to print the fabric to make this handbag.

hand printed bags

One holiday season I used a paper stencil to make these Christmas tree prints for bags for a craft fair and holiday cards.

screen printed scarves

Scarves are great projects for screen printing with small stencils. I used emulsion screens and paper stencils with embroidery hoops for these scarves.

holiday ornament screen printed image

I converted a photo into an emulsion screen and made holiday ornaments that featured an iconic bridge in our city.

childs drawing made into a screen print

I love this. I made a screen from my nephew’s drawing and was able to use the drawing to make cards.

hand printed business cards

In the past I have printed quick business cards with an emulsion based screen. I can use this screen for a lot of marketing materials and free give aways.

book marks that were screen printed

Here I used the same screen to make a stack of bookmarks for a book arts fair that I participated in.

screen printed napkins

I have use paper stencils and emulsion based screens to print napkins. These might be a nice idea for gifts.

hand printed napkins

napkin with screen printed leaf

I love converting my own photos or drawings into a screen that I can use over and over again for different purposes and surfaces. Below I made the screen from a photo that I took in 1978!

mixed media print of tree

This one is from a drawing that I did.

sewing machine screen print

Of course I  add screen printed marks to gelatin prints, artist books and painted papers. The screen printed mark often gives the print pop or focus.

screen print over a gelatin print

painted canvas with screen printed marks

Most recently I gathered a few of my family members and we made a blanket of “love” and well wishes for my sister. We layered the blanket with 1oo’s of impressions from emulsion screens that I had made.

screen printed blanket

I am hoping that you are thinking about ways that you can use screen printing in your works.

Check out the current offerings on the printmaking workshop page.

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You will also get weekly emails about printmaking, tips, tools and classes.

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