6 Steps to foam block printmaking with water soluble pastels

This morning I came to the studio and had very little time to do a print. So Iexperimented with using the water soluble oil pastels on the foam block plates. It is so fast and easy and clean. And you do not need many special tools and supplies. I just

  1. colored the foam plate with the pastels,
  2. spritzed the paper and
  3. blotted it on newsprint so it is not shiny
  4. place the paper on the plate
  5. cover with wax paper
  6. burnish with a paint brush handle, spoon, door knob, barren

These foam printing plates are plates that I had already “incised” with lines and marks.

Post by Linda Germain

6 Steps to foam block printmaking with water soluble pastels Read More »

Gelatin Print – Dresses by Linda Germain

Today I told myself to make 20 gelatin prints on some old cards that I found in the studio. I ink was not working the way I wanted. It was sticking to my stencils and not sticking to the gelatin as much as I wanted it to. I wondered if I should keep going even though it was not cooperating. I did finish all 20 gelatin plate monotype prints. I even like a couple of them. www.linda-germain.com

Gelatin Print – Dresses by Linda Germain Read More »

Foam Plate Prints Today

Post by Linda Germain

Today I played with a method I like to call foam plate reduction printmaking. I make more new marks in between states/colors. I had varying results. I think that it will be a great warm up and discovery project for my printmaking class next week at college for kids, NECC, Haverhill. I started out with the goal of experimenting with different mark making tools to create different textures, lines and shape.

Foam Plate Prints Today Read More »

What to do with old moldy Gelatin – Print of course!

Today I matted a couple of pieces and dropped them off for review at the Newburyport Art Association Gift Shop – a new endeavor for me. I am not sure how old this piece of gelatin is but it is on it’s last days. I pick up the extra moisture with lots of sheets of newsprint and just print. The holes and lines and imperfections make the gelatin fun to work with. I have to experiment with usin line, shape and not much other texture to get a pleasing print.

What to do with old moldy Gelatin – Print of course! Read More »