Failure informs

Every time things don’t work out as I had hoped, it is an opportunity for me to learn something.

mixed media sketchbook linda germain

I could learn:

  • I don’t really like that technique
  • I need more instructions
  • I could use some practice
  • Am I using the right tools?
  • Maybe I need more time
  • Is it possible with the way that I am approaching it?

Accordion book with gelatin prints

I could ask those kinds of questions about almost any situation in life, art, business, family or well being.

collage poem by linda germain

And I think for me it is easier to fail, and asks those questions in the art area of my life. For some reason, I have let it be a process of discovery that includes lots of learning through “failing.”

make lots of gelatin prints

I have said it before, but if I get two out of 10 prints that I love, then I consider that a success. And it usually takes learning something from those other 8 prints to get those prints that I love.

So it is important that I enjoy the process and not just the end result.

sketchbooks by Linda Germain

I have been doing stuff in sketchbooks lately. And I realized I wanted the end result faster, I wanted to finish the sketchbook. Hmmm? This was not me loving the process.

I tried different approaches:

  • Made smaller books
  • Tried different book forms
  • Carried it with me
  • Allowed myself to write, doodle, collage, paint, print, what ever

I have not found my happy sketchbook practice yet, but I am learning a lot in the process.

make gelatin prints into books Linda Germain

If you would like some guidance and support in Simplifying your gelatin prints, then join us in the online workshop –SIMPLIFY- make powerful gelatin prints. Get all the details on the workshop page.

Failure informs Read More »

Things I have learned lately – Making ART

I recently participated in Karen Abend’s Sketchbook Revival. It was a free event with 28 generous teachers sharing ideas for making art in our sketchbooks.

sketch booking by the lake

I also did a class with Lewis Rossignol through Carla Sonheim Presents.

draw more and enjoy the process

So I have taken in a lot of information and ideas about using a sketchbook. And I am starting to appreciate my style of drawing and mark making.

doodle your message

Let me share a few ideas that motivate me:

  1. From Danny GregoryUse up those art supplies – don’t let them be precious
  2. From Carla Sonheim – Look more at the things I want to draw – notice the shapes, lines, etc
  3. John Muir LawsCount and observe and record like a scientist, in a curious way.
  4. Play with sticks and ink from Helen Wells
  5. I am willing to sit and listen for my daily message and write it in my sketchbook – thanks to Jessica Swift.
  6. I love to “mess up” my sketchbook as encouraged by Lewis Rossignol.

sticks to make marks

If you are looking for support and encouragement and an online printmaking class, then check out the current classes.

make marks in your sketchbook

Things I have learned lately – Making ART Read More »

Build your design skills – gelatin printmaking

Gelatin printmaking is fast and gives you immediate feedback about composition and design skills. That is one reason that I love the process.

gelatin prints by linda germain

Art school teaches us to make thumbnail drawings and plan our composition first. I just don’t have the patience for that approach.

Gelatin plate prints by Linda Germain

I like the trial and error approach of making lots of prints. And over time my design skills have grown and I had fun in the process. And I want to share that approach and what I have learned with you in the online printmaking workshops.

Gel monotype print by Linda Germain

We will create growth and success by:

  • Getting to know your masking stencils and how to get strong impressions
  • Limiting the colors so we can create prints with a strong range of value
  • Using a small standard size paper to get a dynamic division of space

These boundaries will give you the structure to support new understanding of the tools and how the impressions are created. This should create success and happiness!

Make gelatin prints

I hope you will check out the online printmaking classes.

Gelatin Monotype print

Build your design skills – gelatin printmaking Read More »

The woods as my inspiration

I have been taking daily walks in the woods by the lake. I take photos but they don’t really capture the connection that I feel.

brown bag book cover

Yesterday, I decided to play with printing trees with torn paper stencils and the gelatin plate. Torn paper has a wonderful ragged and organic edge.

torn paper stencils for gelatin printmaking

I wanted to create an abstract and somewhat natural feel to the printed woods scapes.

gelatin plate monotype prints

I experimented with speedball water based block printing ink and a little bit of acrylic. The first impression gave me the very dark background with white tree shapes. The second impression produced lovely light spot trees, similar to a birch tree.

mixed media gel plate print

I was having fun, but I wanted to create more  range of value and some darker tree shapes. The printing session was a bit up and down with being pleased with the prints and being frustrated. That is usual for me.

accordion book of gelatin prints by linda germain

I printed a second day and was pleased with some of the prints. I glued several into an accordion book and then did some collage and doodling.

concertina style book of gelatin monotype prints by linda germain

Even though they are just torn paper stencils, I think I will save them for another day of printing.

Check out current classes.

Happy Printing!

book by linda germain

The woods as my inspiration Read More »

Play with Printmaking

Things can get serious. So that is why I routinely remind myself to put some play back into my printmaking.

Mock xray cyanotype gel print

Sometimes I get hung up on results, process or materials.

tiny eraser stamps

To get a lighter fresh approach I:

  • Try a new technique – tiny eraser stamps above
  • Use simple or new tool – rusted paper below
  • Use my ten pieces of paper idea

If you have a child or grandchild to print with that can be a great way to loosen up and play.

make art with kids

It takes time to really let yourself get into the play mode. Sometimes I need to make a mess and a bunch of ugly prints along the way.

experimental prints can be ugly

Yet, in the end something new usually emerges.

patterned papers

hand made artist book

I hope I have encouraged you to put some play into your printmaking today. Enjoy!

Play with Printmaking Read More »