The woods as my inspiration

I have been taking daily walks in the woods by the lake. I take photos but they don’t really capture the connection that I feel.

brown bag book cover

Yesterday, I decided to play with printing trees with torn paper stencils and the gelatin plate. Torn paper has a wonderful ragged and organic edge.

torn paper stencils for gelatin printmaking

I wanted to create an abstract and somewhat natural feel to the printed woods scapes.

gelatin plate monotype prints

I experimented with speedball water based block printing ink and a little bit of acrylic. The first impression gave me the very dark background with white tree shapes. The second impression produced lovely light spot trees, similar to a birch tree.

mixed media gel plate print

I was having fun, but I wanted to create more  range of value and some darker tree shapes. The printing session was a bit up and down with being pleased with the prints and being frustrated. That is usual for me.

accordion book of gelatin prints by linda germain

I printed a second day and was pleased with some of the prints. I glued several into an accordion book and then did some collage and doodling.

concertina style book of gelatin monotype prints by linda germain

Even though they are just torn paper stencils, I think I will save them for another day of printing.

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Happy Printing!

book by linda germain

The woods as my inspiration Read More »

Play with Printmaking

Things can get serious. So that is why I routinely remind myself to put some play back into my printmaking.

Mock xray cyanotype gel print

Sometimes I get hung up on results, process or materials.

tiny eraser stamps

To get a lighter fresh approach I:

  • Try a new technique – tiny eraser stamps above
  • Use simple or new tool – rusted paper below
  • Use my ten pieces of paper idea

If you have a child or grandchild to print with that can be a great way to loosen up and play.

make art with kids

It takes time to really let yourself get into the play mode. Sometimes I need to make a mess and a bunch of ugly prints along the way.

experimental prints can be ugly

Yet, in the end something new usually emerges.

patterned papers

hand made artist book

I hope I have encouraged you to put some play into your printmaking today. Enjoy!

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Scraps collage – so much fun!

One way to get your creative juices flowing and quiet the inner critic is to work on several small pieces at once.

scraps collage linda germain

Another way to keep the creativity flowing to to layer and respond with minimal marks.

layered collage linda germain

I did these scraps collages with bits and pieces of book pages and part in my online class, Books as ART Materials.

tiny collage of book parts

I approach the project with an attitude of playful discovery. I work up about 12 4″ square pieces in layers.

paper collage by linda germain

Sometimes a get a few striking collages. But I am always developing my design and composition skills.

12 tiny collages with book parts

Give it a try at the end of the day, gather the bits of waste from your work bench, add scribbles, text or coffee stains and see what happens.

If you would like to explore using Books as ART Materials, then join us in the upcoming class. Read all the details on the workshop page.

Scraps collage – so much fun! Read More »

Found Poems

I am getting ready for the Books as ART Materials class and having fun making found poems.

found poems

Books are mostly words and pages, so I like to find ways to use those elements in new art work.

found poem by linda germain

I like to:

  • Cut words and phrases out of several different books, with different font sizes
  • Then rearrange the words into a 4  line poem
  • Some poems I really love
  • And some are just part of the process of making

collaged poem

I also use old book pages at scrap to catch excess glue from the glue stick.

collage poem by linda germain

Give this meditative poem making a try! 

If you want to explore more ways to use old books, then join us in Books As ART Materials, the online class. Read the details here.

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Qualities of Books – as ART Materials

I wanted to share the qualities that I look for in books to be used as ART Materials.

When I use books as ART Materials I use:

  • Cover cloth – collage and journals
  • Book board – new books
  • Pages and text – poems and printmaking
  • Spine materials and bits – collage
  • pockets and old marks – collage

So if you are hunting and gathering books for re-use look at those parts closely.

book as materials

It is fun to see books with new eyes for what is possible. Sometimes I just use pages as newsprint pickups when gelatin printing.

newsprint pick up

But then other times the bits and pieces can be worked into an abstract landscape collage.

abstract landscape collage

I hope I have given you some new ways to look at old books that were headed for the recycling bin. Want to join us in the online class, Books as at Materials? Read the details and join us today.



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