Making Progress – with Mixed Media Prints and More

I am happy to have these full days in the studio.  Farm work is wrapping up for the season.  We will do a bit for Christmas, but harvest is over.  I have been collaging, painting, scraping and sanding a pile of images.  Yesterday, I printed figures on tissue paper and a few were dry today.  I started working them into the collages and I am happy with how they are evolving.  I have created a long to do list.  And I am making progress.  Friday is first friday and I will be going to open studios in the South End of Boston.

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Gelatin Printmakers @ Play

Printmakers @ Play

Wednesday, December 2, 2009 6:00 – 8:30 PM
@ the Studio @ 93 Essex St. Haverhill, MA

Hands on – Open Studio night for anyone who has taken a gelatin printmaking class/workshop. My vision is that we will all come together print, share ideas, and have fun.

I will have gelatin plates, brayers, ink and some paper available. If you have all your own supplies then the evening is free. If you need supplies then the cost is $10.00. I am hoping that this could be a monthly event. So to reserve your space email me at  

Post by Linda Germain

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Rust Prints with trace monotype print

Post by Linda Germain

This is a portion of one of the rust prints that I experiemented with this past weekend.  I rusted over a trace monoprint that was done with black ink.  I am going to try another one today.  I am using a rusty cookie sheet.  One that got ruined by the gelatin plates.  Enjoy!
I came across acouple of calls for entry last night that I am excited about. and  Good stuff!

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Great Day – in New England

Sunday – Sunny and warm for the first day of November.  I took a pile of photos of some of my gelatin prints.  I struggled and then gave up and learned the limits of my camera and lighting.  I can always improve and be patient for now.  The rust prints are progressing.  I figured one way to control the rust image is to scratch the metal.  It helps that my studio is in a machine shop.  Plenty of metal around to rust up! I found gapingvoid on twitter. He inspires me to do 200 drawing in 30 days!  I worked on a bunch of collages today.  Right now they are a gross gray, green, blue color.  It is time to sand them. Enjoy!

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Fun – is the Order of the day

Post by Linda Germain

I am inspried by rusty and distressed things.  I have collected a bunch of rust in my travels and tried a couple of rust prints.  Today, I am doing a couple more. 

  1. I started with some old prints that I did on good paper,
  2. Soaked them,
  3. Chose some rusty items
  4. Spritzed the rusty stuff with water
  5. Put them under pressure
  6. Wait and see what happens

I am usually not very good at the wait and see part.  I am also playing with as series of collages that start with a base of security envelopes, paint, sanding, collaging back and forth until complete.  I am inspired by Dean Nimmer’s book Art from Intuition. I like his idea of sorting my artwork into piles like, dislike, like but needs something.

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