Printmaking class @ Millvale Folk Art Studio

©linda germain 2010
what if i matter?
relief printing, gelatin printing, acrylic, collage and handwriting
I am pleased to invite you to attend my four week printmaking class this October.  You can find all the details on the workshop schedule page.  Class size is limited and we will be having fun experimenting with gelatin prints, relief printing, stamping, stenciling  and cropping and collaging.  I am very excited about this new teaching venue, the Millvale Folk Art Studio.  There are facilities for blacksmithing, ceramics, woodworking, painting, fibers and more.  Email me with questions or to register – 

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Multi tasking when Printmaking

©linda germain 2011
What’s next?
6″ x 6″  stencil, stamping and handwriting on dictionary page
What to do next?  I have gelatin in the refrigerator for printing, scarves on the line and soaking, blogs and web pages to be updated, proposals to be written, artwork to photograph and I need to go to the farm in an hour.  Ok little steps, break it down and do one thing at time. ahhh breathe….. so much for multi-tasking.

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Printing with ferns

©linda germain 2011
gelatin printing with ferns on tissue
So, I know everyone prints with ferns when they experiment with gelatin printing, but they do it because the results are awesome.   I used the Daniel Smith Water soluble block printing inks and thin tissue paper.  It will take a few days to dry and then I can collage the prints on to something.  Playing with photo editing options and going a bit crazy! Lightroom, photoshop, Elements, Organizer, Bridge, iPhoto, Aperture  So many choices.
Post by Linda Germain

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Gelatin Printing after a long break

©2011 linda germain
giraffe play
left to right, screen print as plate, screen print and gelatin print on tissue
Well, I made some gelatin yesterday and played with it today.  I cracked the gelatin as I tried to get it out of the pan.  (go with the flow – linda) I decided to print on tissue paper and then I can collage the prints into some mixed media pieces that I am working on.  It did not take long before I realized why I love gelatin printing.  It’s all in the details!!!   I don’t know if this will make sense to you but – the print on the right was created by placing the screen print on the left on the gelatin plate.  And all with just hand pressure.  
©linda germain 2011
paper stencil and metal stencil as “stamp”
This image does not capture the excitement felt when I stamped into the ink with the hammered metal plate.  I love the detail.  Oh I am repeating myself. 
©linda germain 2011
fresh gelatin ready for printing!

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