Artist Professional Toolbox – talked copyright law

I am participating in a program call the Artists Professional toolbox.  It is sponsored by the Greater Boston Arts and Business Council and the Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts.   Who would think that talking about copyright law could be fun?  Not me and I used to be a lawyer.  But Jim Grace was informative and entertaining last night.  I have a long list of goals and am finding that things are getting accomplished.  I always work better with deadlines and support.  Happy Printing!

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How do you Capture Inspiration?

©2012 linda germain
abstract landscape
mixed media 5″ x 7″
Today I was at the farm and 5 or 6 big black crows were picking things out of the field, and I wished I had a camera to capture their movements.  I was wondering how people capture those moments that just come upon us?  Carry a sketch book?  A Camera?  A phone with a camera? or just be in the moment and draw it out later.  The shopper in me says I should get a phone with a camera.  I would love to hear about how you capture those moments of inspiration.  Enjoy!
Post by Linda Germain

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Keep Printing until the Voices stop

©linda germain 2012
abstract landscape – gelatin print
aprox 8″ x 10″
Ok…..I am not really crazy and hearing voices, but sometimes when I make gelatin prints and think about how I would teach someone to do what I do there is a very loud conversation going on in my head.  I analyze, judge, try to notice and remember things.  Today I was playing with abstract landscapes and a painted monotype.  In the coming months, I hope to put together a gelatin printing newsletter with ideas and advice, so if you are interested join my mailing list at the top right of this page. Enjoy!
Post by Linda Germain

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Collaging Gelatin Prints

©2011 linda germain
little house a gelatin print
aprox 8″ x 8″
I was inspired by some children’s board books that I was priming for an altered book project.  So I dropped everything and dug through the pile of experiments and collaged this little house on a path.  It is fun to be inspired by what is before me.  Enjoy an accordion book that I made in a similar way.
Post by Linda Germain

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Printing with Old Gelatin

©linda germain 2012
I have had this piece of gelatin around since the beginning of December.  The wrinkles and holes appear as it ages. The more I use it the more interesting the surface becomes. I did cut in some random lines to see what that would do.
©linda germain 2012
abstract landscape  – gelatin plate monotype print
If you try using your old slimy gelatin, be sure to do lots of newsprint pick ups to absorb some of the moisture and slime before you start printing. This is my motto for gelatin printmaking – “Fearless experimentation can lead to extraordinary results.” Enjoy!

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