Field Trip to PEM – Shapeshifting Exhibit

I took a quick trip to the Peabody Essex Museum to see the Shapeshifting exhibit of Native American Art.    We timed it right so we could take a tour with one of the docents.  6 exhibit halls with a fantastic range of expression.  Truly something for everyone.  I am inspired by folk art, primitive art and art that uses found materials.   I am taking a group of kids to the exhibit in February and then we will be creating art inspired by the exhibit @ Lynn Arts.

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Drum leaf book form & gelatin prints

©linda germain 2012
small drum leaf book of gelatin prints

©linda germain 2012
inside drum leaf book of gelatin prints

I am going to be teaching a gelatin printing and bookmaking workshop for Maine Craft Association at Haystack Mountain School in May.  We will be doing a lot in a short period of time so I am playing with different book forms that highlight the qualities of gelatin prints. I printed up some lightly textured pages and put together this book.  The female figure is a screen print.  I like this form because the single page print works out to be a  page spread in the book. Which means I do not have to plan a lot while laying out the pages.  I referenced a great book for this drum leaf form.  Book + Art by Dorothy Simpson Krause.  I am usually so impatient that I do not wait for the cover and pages to dry completely, so they end up warping.  So after I took these pictures I put the book  back under pressure.  I am going to wait….. really I am.

Post by Linda Germain

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Tiny Gelatin "Stamps"

©linda germain 2011
shaped gelatin prints

If you look closely you can see the texture on these gelatin prints.  I cut circular shapes and inked them and picked them up and printed them.  I like to use textured things like bubble wrap, thread, yarn, and wire mesh to make an impression in the ink.  My eyes are always peeled for flat surfaces with delicate textures.

Post by Linda Germain

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