Need Stuff?? In the Boston area?

There is this great place in Lynn, MA called EXCL , extras for creative learning. They are a membership based non-profit creative reuse center. ExCL has been serving greater Boston’s teachers, artists, and creative people since 1981. They have more crazy stuff than you can imagine.  Due to circumstances beyond their control, they are in a bind right now and need help making ends meet.
Check out the blog for detail on the silent auction and the one day visitor’s pass.  DetailSaturday — Try Us for $20 12packmarkers

Not a member? 

Not sure if you want to join or renew?

Saturday April 21 try out ExCL for the day; $20 per person. 

All materials that are free for members will be available for you. This offer is for Saturday ONLY. We are not issuing passes that can be used on another day.

email Jodi with questions

Pass on this info to all your mixed media friends, art teachers, and lovers of things to collect and create with.  Happy art making.

Need Stuff?? In the Boston area? Read More »

Thermofax screen prints on Canvas

©2012 linda germain mixed media print on canvas

This is a 5″ x 7″ canvas with collage and paint background.  Today I used 4 different thermofax screens to finish it.  I was experimenting with cheap acrylic paint and speedball screen inks.  I used a cosmetic sponge to apply the ink/paint to the screen.  The four screen added texture, connection and focus.  I will try to point out the screens:

  1. The girl
  2. the light blue circles
  3. the green circles with criss cross in the middle
  4. and the hardest to see the illegible blue handwriting on the right side
Happy printing!


Thermofax screen prints on Canvas Read More »

Gathering of Gifts with Susan Kapuchinski Gaylord

©2012 linda germain – Fan Books made with Susan Kapuchinski Gaylord – FUN

This morning I was lucky to join one of my role models for a fun bookmaking session.  We used simple materials to make several fan books.  I love this book form because 

  1. It can be easily taken apart and reorganized
  2. It can be about the form and not the story
  3. It is fast and easy
  4. It can be displayed fully open
My mind is reeling with how to incorporate gelatin prints and screen prints.  Oh Boy!

Gathering of Gifts with Susan Kapuchinski Gaylord Read More »