College for KIDS starts today

©2008 linda germain hand carved rubber stamp

I am happy to be teaching 3 classes for the college for kids program at Northern Essex Community College.  I will be guiding the young artists in Drawn to Print, ART games and a Painting class.  I love planning for this program.  I never know what the interests of the kids will be, so it is always a surprise.

©2009 linda germain hand made card from gelatin plate prints

I have scheduled a couple of adult gelatin printmaking workshops for August.

Gelatin Printmaking Teaser
Fun Evening Workshop 
Gelatin Printmaking is the foundation of a lot of my work.  I hope to get you hooked in this workshop.  Space it limited, so check out my video and then sign up.

August 1, 2012
6:00 – 8:00 PM
@ the Studio on 93 Essex Street, Haverhill,  $25/person  supplies included.  You will be printing with water based inks on drawing paper.   Email me to reserve a

Gelatin Prints – Play for the Day II
Sunday, August 26th, 2012
10 AM to 3 PM
93 Essex St.
Haverhill, MA
$65. – Includes most supplies All are welcome.   

The focus of this class is gelatin plate monoprints with masking stencils and stamping tools. It is a wonderfully experimental process that gives results that vary from the abstract to the photographic.  The soft malleable gelatin is covered with ink, and then marks are made in the ink with found objects and stencils.  Once you have experimented with the materials you can start to focus on combining methods to create a series of pleasing prints. Space it limited – to reserve your spot – email Linda Germain 

College for KIDS starts today Read More »

Inspiration to Create from Alyson Stanfield

Peek into the printmaking studio  of Linda Germain
In the studio with Linda Germain

Do you ever need a little inspiration to create?

Today I went to the Art Biz blog by Alyson B. Stanfield and read about Chris Guillebeau and the  World Domination Summit.

WDS is a gathering of speakers and people who pursue big dreams while changing the world.  I was disappointed that I could not attend the summit that is happening in a couple of days, so I started to check out the speakers.

Which lead me to a number of TED videos –

Happy Day!


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Freedom to explore your voice/materials

Gelatin Prints on the Line by Linda Germain

I came across a 13 minute video about Aelita Andre, a 5 year old painter from Australia. She was given the freedom to explore and see what happens.

I was struck by the complete freedom she has to pour, squirt and spatter unlimited amounts of paint on giant canvases.

Wow!  I did not watch the whole video – short attention span.

But I did start to think about how I could give myself that much freedom/support/approval and what would happen?

What can we do for our artist self to cultivate that non-judgmental fluid freedom of expression? Hmmm?

I would say I do allow myself to print piles and piles of gelatin prints without a lot of harsh judgment.  When I feel that limiting, judgmental voice sneaking in, I am going to

  1. switch gears,
  2. find a favorite tool
  3. and continue to explore.

If you would like to be supported in exploring your creative side then check out Make Monotypes and join us for the next session.

Freedom to explore your voice/materials Read More »

Tiny Gelatin Prints with Linda Germain

Cut up gelatin for printmaking by linda germain
Tiny gelatin for making prints – Linda Germain

Today, I am thawing out a bucket of gelatin that I froze a few days ago.  And I just had to print with the tiny bits that were thawed out.  I mad layers of tiny gelatin prints as a textured background.

Think outside the box and play with printmaking.

One helpful hint – freeze it in small portions so it is easier to thaw.  I put 3 big plates of gelatin in one big bowl.  Not the best idea.

Check my video on ATC’s and gelatin printmaking.

Happy Printing!


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Masking Stencils from Photos for Gelatin Printing

Cutting masking stencils for gelatin printmaking
cutting masking stencils for gelatin monotype printing

Here are a couple of gelatin plate monotype prints that I made with the masking stencils that I cut yesterday.

The little guys are from a photo that I took.  As you can tell expressive body language and strong negative spaces make for interesting stencils.  Think of  the fantastic iPod ads from a few years back.  Happy Printing!

Join me for the next session of Make Monotypes


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