Simple Mark making tools – Gelatin Prints

©2012 linda germain gelatin plate monotype tools

I am playing with some old film reels, round things,  tops from shampoo containers and a bit of thin yarn to make marks in the ink on the gelatin plate.
©2012 linda germain – gelatin plate printmaking with my favorite colors
©2012 linda germain – gelatin print  with shampoo covers as stamping tools
©2012 linda germain – just having fun with my new camera – but these are stamps
made on cd case, with double stick carpet tape and caps and round foam bits
Post by Linda Germain

Simple Mark making tools – Gelatin Prints Read More »

8 Gelatin Printmaking Techniques

©2012 Linda Germain – Gelatin Prints on the Studio wall

I just wrote to an artist friend, and I started listing some of the new techniques that I have learned in gelatin printmaking in the last 6 months or so.  

Some of the things that I have been doing 

  1. printing on slippery poster board –
  2. printing big by working in strips and rectangles on a large sheet with the 10 x 13 gelatin
  3. The pre-inked stencil for the “picture” affect. 
  4. Using a photo reference – that makes it personal
  5. Masking and taping for a finished look.
  6. Charcoal handwriting transfer
  7. Cutting up the gelatin into shapes for printing
  8. Freezing the Gelatin for reuse
Wow!  I have been busy.  Well when it is fun time just flies.  Most of these processes are in the picture above. Happy Printing!

Post by Linda Germain

8 Gelatin Printmaking Techniques Read More »

Mark making tools for Gelatin Prints

©2012 linda germain – found objects for gelatin printmaking

I can’t resist a visit to EXCL when I am in Lynn.  It is a recycling center for creatives.  I try to limit my self to stuff that I will use.  But how do I know what I am going to use before hand?  So this week I added these film canister things and other round things for making marks in the ink on the gelatin printing plate/pad.  I used the red toy like a cookie  cutter to make a circle of gelatin. See a print here.

©2012 linda germain cut up an old gelatin plate and print some more

So don’t give up on the gelatin plate that is starting to fall apart.  Get out your cookie cutters and press out some shapes.  Ink them up.  Work into the ink and make some impressions. Happy Printing!

How to make a gelatin Plate for printmaking – the video

Quick video on the basics of gelatin printmaking

Gelatin printing artist trading cards – a short video

48 second slideshow of gelatin prints by linda germain and why she loves it.

Or Take the next gelatin printing workshop

Post by Linda Germain


Mark making tools for Gelatin Prints Read More »

Gelatin Printing on Fabric today

©2012 linda germain – printmaking on fabric with a cut up gelatin plate 

Well I tore up old cotton shirt and started printing on it.  I wanted to learn more about transferring the details from the gelatin plate to the fabric.  I wanted to compare the direct marks and the marks made with the gelatin.  I used a concept that I learned from fiber artist, Linda Branch Dunn, to use up all the ink and not put it down the drain. So

  • I used the ink on the stamping tool and pressed it directly on to the fabric.
  • I used the ink left on the brayer, after inking the stamping tool. (this was the most amazing)
  • and of course I used the ink on the gelatin plate.
Combining all 3 types of marks created a stronger range of values – something I like.  I cut the gelatin into a circle and square, inked it, worked into the ink and then I picked it up and placed on the fabric.

Gelatin Printing on Fabric today Read More »

Try the Gelli Plate for Gelatin Printing

Gelli Plate by Gelli ARTS

I have had the Gelli plate for a while and have not experimented with it much yet.  I always offer it to my students to try out and many really like it.  Today I cut a framing mat as described by Mark Evans in his blog. I have a 6 x 6 inch Gelli plate for gelatin printing, so I cut a 5 inch opening.  That way the mat could stick to the plate.  I used the speedball water based block printing inks for this series of gelatin monotype prints.

I notice every time I change something in my process of making gelatin prints it affects everything.

©2012 linda germain 5″ x 5″ gelatin plate print

So I looked for a few of my smaller stencils and started to play.  Working square was a new factor too.  But it was nice to have a plate ready for printing.  In the gelatin print above, I used my pre-ink the stencil method to get the darker impressions.

©2012 linda germain gelatin plate monotype print

Next time I am going to try some Daniel Smith water soluble inks.  Happy Printing!

How to make a gelatin Plate for printmaking – the video

Quick video on the basics of gelatin printmaking

Gelatin printing artist trading cards – a short video

48 second slideshow of gelatin prints by linda germain and why she loves it.

Or Take the next gelatin printing workshop

Post by Linda Germain

Try the Gelli Plate for Gelatin Printing Read More »