What will you nourish in 2022?

Some folks pick an inspirational word at the beginning of the new year. I have never really done it before, but for some reason the word nourish is in my head these past few days.

nourish yourself

Nourish has a warm comforting feeling.

If you look it up in the dictionary, you will find it means:

  • to nurture, to rear
  • to promote the growth of
  • to furnish or sustain with nutriment
  • to feed, maintain or support

Whether we realize it or not we are most likely nourishing something. It might be kids, or health or our art practice.

sketchbook linda germain

I am encouraged to look more closely at what I am doing to nourish my body, mind and soul. Nourish seems to be compassionate, caring and wise.

be nourished by nature

Three ways I am planning to nourish my life:

  1. Eat more whole clean food and listen to the feedback from my body.
  2. Gently let go of stuff in my car, home and studio, so my space is comfort.
  3. Give myself more time each day to play at making marks.

The caring and supportive sense I get from the word nourish makes me feel excited to “feed” myself and grow healthier and happier with these activities. I don’t feel burdened by these “goals.”

I encourage you to try on the idea of nourishing yourself. What small change could you make to feel stronger, safer, or more nurtured?

Maybe join us in Creating Habits, the online class that explores a bit of drawing, collage and sketchbooking. Class starts January 7, 2022. Read all the details on the workshop page.

sketchbooks linda germain

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Keep your hands and eyes moving

As I prepare for the upcoming class, Creating Habits I am beginning to realized that much of my art making is about getting my hands and eye to work together to create an image.phone photo reference for drawing

We often take these two functions for granted. That is until we start to lose the abilities of either one.

draw tools on desk

I am learning to appreciate what I can do and to realize it is a daily process to keep and build my seeing and drawing skills. I have to keep it fun.

look up into the trees

3 ways to build my seeing skills

  1. Look at things from a different perspective – like upside down
  2. Pause and notice what is above or below
  3. Take a lot of pictures of things I like from different angles

funky hand drawn fonts

3 ways to build my hand coordination

  1. Look closely and “draw” a new font
  2. Do hand yoga – gently appreciate the movements
  3. Play with loosely holding pens and brushes at a distance

I encourage you to notice and appreciate your hands and eyes and to celebrate your abilities.

If you are interested in exploring hand/eye skills more deeply, then check out the current workshops.


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Next step – art making habits

Art making can be a journey of ups and downs. The trick is to keep moving even in the down phase of the trip.

creating habits sketchbook

  • Suspending judgement of each little step can help keep the process enjoyable.
  • Remember it is a process
  • Build in support for the times when you are in a funk

I have been using collage and drawing techniques lately to keep me moving forward. These processes can be very hands on. I find I can easily get lost in the process and soon forget that I was in a funk.

draw a twig a day

The key for me is to:

  • make it easy to get started
  • quick to finish
  • create some sense of satisfaction

If you are curious about creating some art making habits that could carry you through the ups and downs of daily life, then check out the details of the online class, Creating Habits. Class starts January 7, 2022.

Next step – art making habits Read More »

Do you look or SEE?

Making art is about seeing. We use the sense of sight all day, and yet do we really see much?

Look longer to SEE

The more I practice drawing and art making the more I know that it all is based on:

  • slowing down
  • looking long and closely
  • and training my hand to translate what my eyes are really seeing.

I think that it helps to think of seeing as a muscle/athlete in training. It is a skill that can be honed, focused or shaped.

berries drawing Linda Germain

We are so fortunate to live in this world with its abundant feast for our eyes. The challenge for the artist is to edit and find unique focus.

Things that I have been SEEING lately:

  • Shapes on roof tops and steeples
  • Different fonts
  • Autumn berries and twigs

I have complied some of my SEEING practices into a class, Creating Habits. This online workshop will run January 7 to 13, 2022. Check out the details and join us.

collage skyline sketchbook practice


Do you look or SEE? Read More »

Making for the mind

I have been playing with drawing and collage lately. I can do these activities while I watch a funny show or listen to upbeat music.

sketchbook habits and ideas

Printmaking is a bit more physical and takes more focus.

delicate gelatin plate monotype print by linda germain

Am I tired? Hmmm? Am I looking for a more relaxing making activity?

collage and drawing ideas for sketchbook practice

I am not sure. I don’t think this was a conscious decision. But in the process I have embraced some processes that are relaxing and fun. And I think that these new practices are developing my seeing and design skills.

soft cover coptic stitch book

For more art making habits check out this post on Ways to motivate. Enjoy!

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