Easy is fun – make marks

I think of the freedom that some children have when making art. They seem to be so intensely in the moment and making marks with ease.

charcoal drawing

I think of ways that I could have that type of presence in my art making.

  • Easy repetitive marks
  • Using “kids” supplies like crayons
  • Call it done after just a few marks
  • And then get another piece of paper

use crayons like kids

How do you get into a kid like flow?

repetitive marks

One kid like tool that I have been exploring is the bingo dauber. I can make lots of dots really fast. And I can use it to make primitive drawings with broad lines.

bingo dauber a mark making tool

Can you think of ways to make art with the presence and joy of a child? I offer you that challenge.

dauber drawings

If you love the woods and use the forest as inspiration consider taking the mixed media class, Torn TREES- It is on sale this March for only $50.USD.

sketchbook spread