Phone – studio tool

How many ways do you use your phone in your art practice? I know we are advised to limit screen time, but our phones have so many features that can be a challenge.

Maybe we could limit mindless screen time? Go back to rotary phones??

I use my phone:

  • to photograph art work and inspiration constantly
  • to shoot video of processes
  • to time exposures – cyanotypes
  • to listen to soothing music
  • as a timer to get things done
  • to create reminder lists
  • to make slideshows
  • to capture before and after clean studio pictures
  • to check the time or weather for making plans
  • to check out art friends social activities
  • find free clip art
  • Screenshots of internet ideas/instructions

slipknot book of gelatin prints by linda germain

With all of these uses, I can see why it is a challenge to reduce screen time. I am okay  with many of those activities.  And I know my black holes, Netflix, Youtube and Freevee.

cyanotype book with art quotes

I am giving up feeling bad about using my phone and will be looking for more creative uses for this studio tool. I invite you to try some gentleness around your phone use and art practice.

Check out the online classes available now.

flower photo to inspire stamps