Creating habits – online art workshop

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There are many ways to support your art practice. A sketchbook habit is a classic approach. I have taken several sketchbook classes and of course kept a sketchbook in art school, but it never felt like a habit that supported my creative expression.

sketchbook supplies

So these past few months, I have been gathering habits, ideas and tools to form a sketchbook practice that works for me.

thumbnail studies

I have gathered the techniques together with the hope that my approach will help you to carve out a sketchbook practice that really works for you. I suggest that you try out the ideas that I am presenting for a few weeks. Some will probably work for you and others won’t.  And that is ok.


You may even develop drawing and collaging techniques of your own. That is my hope for you.

sketchbooks by linda germain

In this online class:

  • Make a soft cover coptic stitched book that is easy to work in
  • Use cropping tool and magazines to grow “seeing” skills
  • Gather marks, ideas and skills
  • Make a ruling pen and enjoy filling up sketchbook

Check out the Supplies List here.

This is a one week long class, but I am hoping to give you enough ideas so that you can spend hours and months in a sketchbook practice that ignites your creativity,

collage skyline sketchbook practice

Answers to FAQ’s here.


Lesson Summary:

Day 1 – Make the book form, Daily word/guidance, Thumbnail crop and draw, brown bag tips 6 videos
Day 2 – Repeat day 1 lessons, add Skyline collage, draw fancy font word, Blue line dogs, 3 Videos.

Day 3 – Repeat all techniques and add Cut Model face, weighted font and emotions collage (3 videos)

Day 4 – Repeat all previous techniques and add tools on the table, thumbnails 2 and happy dot font. ( 3 videos)
Day 5 – Make folded ruling pen, Ink edges, spine treatment and repeat all other lessons.

Day 6 – ADD Hair portraits, twig/leaf sketch, photograph pages, concentric circles ( 3 videos)

Day 7 – Prepare protective sleeve, Mandala doodle, quick contour selfie. Notice what works for you and how you could develop your own sketchbook habits.

By the end of the lessons you should have 10 to 20 sketchbook habits that you would enjoy using on a regular basis.

This class will be offered in 2023.

Check out the current classes on the printmaking workshops page.