How do you get started in your art practice each day? I have a couple of tasks that get me going each day.
One, I pull random angel cards and write the words in my sketchbook.
I think a little how those ideas could guide my day. Then I make a list of 3 things that I could do. My default list is
- 20 minutes of making
- 20 minutes of cleaning
- 20 minutes of draft writing
This list feels doable and gets me going when I am not sure where to start. I use it as a guide rather than a strict rule. Often I will be in the flow of one activity and just extend the time for another 20 minutes.
It is an amazing little way to gently trick myself into action. I remind myself that it is a tool to get me into action.
A couple of things can happen:
- I just do the 20 minutes for each task
- or I am stimulated into an hour or more on a single task and I am pleased with my accomplishments
- or I get a new idea and move into gentle action
I use the 20 minute timer on my phone and I feel quite accomplished when I end up putting in several hours.
The 1-2-3 list is about starting the activities. Once I get going it is sometimes easier to keep going for another 20 minutes and finish the task.
I would think you could craft the 1-2-3 list to meet your goals. What activities would you include? Reading, writing, sorting, purging, walking, napping, yoga, anything goes.
A reminder: Save On the Torn Trees class for the month of March. Now only $50 Read all the details on the workshop page.