Dig out your art books

I usually get my books from the library. But I do have a few that I purchased.

Art books for inspiration

Today I pulled out a few in search for sketchbook inspiration. I got a few ideas right away and did not get through the whole stack.  So I encourage you to gather a few art books that have been on the shelf for a while and flip through them for fresh ideas.


I was reminded that I like to do black out poems and collage poems.

collage poem

I am not sure I should even call them “poems”. They are a collection of words that moved me and they may not make sense. But they are fun to do.

found words poem

I like to do black out poems in large print books. It is easier to highlight the words.

black out poem


inspired collage was project number 2 that I chose to do. I really love his early magazine collage project.


I like the simple shapes and non-precious material. I think the sheer volume of his collages is part of the impact. I did a couple of simple collages. I tried to embrace the less is more approach.

rex ray inspired collage

So I encourage you to gather a few art books and look for sketchbook ideas. And as soon as you have one idea stop looking through the books and execute the idea. Jump right into action. Or you can check out the classes that I have available as self-study. Enjoy!