Walk to support your creativity

I am so grateful for the short walks that break up my day at the studio.Walk to feed your creativity

Sometimes I just go around the block trying to get a little fresh air and sunshine. Often that is just enough to clear my mind.

linda germain gelatin printmaking in the greenhouse in winter

Sometimes, I find a rusty treasure. That I use to stain paper and fabric.found rust by linda germain

Other times, I see shadows and shapes that inspire stencils for printmaking.

Cast shadows inspire printmaking tools Linda Germain

I will pick up weeds and twigs to use to make printing plate.

relief print with masking stencils

So I highly recommend taking a walk to inspire your printmaking practice.

  • Just walk out your studio door and see what happens
  • Go to the woods or beach before you even head to the studio
  • Go at a comfortable pace without expectation
