As artists we choose what to include and exclude the the work that we create. It is our own selective vision. Our perspective is our gift.
I offer a challenge to you.
Use your window as a framing device. You could start the challenge by just drawing the window frame. This type of focused drawing will pull you into the present moment and you may even become peacefully lost in noticing the details of the window.
- Keep it easy and fun
- Embrace your style of line drawing
- Look at the window frame constantly as you sketch
Then you might notice what is outside the window. It could be simple or more chaotic.
It could be:
- other buildings
- landscape, sea or lake
- trees, birds or people
Notice what you tend to focus on.
Do you take it all in? Or do you look at one element? For example in the rather boring and chaotic view from my window, I chose to take a few minutes and draw the tree in the lower right hand corner.
I enlarged the drawing and used it as a template to cut out a tree for a collage project.
Have fun with this “Out the Window” idea.
- Pause and see
- Frame and capture
- Complete and share