I am a big fan of using found objects for new purposes.
Leaves and twigs as masking stencils

Nearly all my stamping and braying tools are found objects.
Most recently I enjoyed learning new ways to cut up and re-combine books and all their parts to make collages.
Think this way makes me see the world in a new way – filled with new FREE art making materials. Another recent repurposing was using Tetra Pak packaging as an etching/collagraph plate.
I discovered that I could use sticky labels as masking stencils. So of course I went to the Dollar Tree Store and got a few different styles of sticky labels to play with.
I love the backing sheet. It creates a strong crisp pattern.
Play with all the parts back and forth and enjoy the lovely impressions.
Want to play with stencils???
Join us in the Make Stencils Workshop – the online art class starts soon. Read all the details on the workshop page.
We will make stencils to be used alone or with other processes like gelatin printing or screen printing. You will start to see stencil making tools in everyday materials.