Try it! – Gelatin printing and more

Today, I found these rubbing plates at the Dollar Tree Store.

Rubbing plates for printmaking without a press

I brought them back to the studio and started to play.  There were 3 different flower plates. I like how one of the designs prints up.

rubbing plate and the gelatin plate for making monotypes

I played with using both sides of the plate to see what different types of details and impressions would result.

gelatin prints with rubbing plate

Then I tested out a crayon to make line drawings.

use a wide crayon to make rubbings

It was a bit chaotic, all the over printing. So I simplified the background and let the line drawing be the focus.

layered gelatin plate monotype prints

The take away from my process was:

  1. Play
  2. think it = try it
  3. let go of the things I do not like
  4. work parts of the plate
  5. leave open or quiet space
  6. simplify
  7. allow a focus

I invite you to try those 7 steps in your next printing session! Enjoy.

If you want to print and play with me and gelatin printmaking in the new year, then join us in Make Monotypes, 4 week online gelatin printing class. READ the details on the workshop page.