Texture, textiles and monoprinting

Do you like texture and textiles?

Is there something that moves you in close to a fabric and makes you want to touch it? Try to identify whose qualities that move you.

Recycled fabric ready for monotprinting with the gelatin plate by linda germain

That is how I feel about mixed media art and printmaking. I love layered textures that make me want to get closer to the artwork.

hand stitched gelatin printed fabric by linda germain

When I see textured objects I often wonder can I use that for printmaking? And often the answer is YES.

Especially when printing with the gelatin plate. The gelatin plate is soft and malleable. This allows for the creation and transfer of delicate marks with mere hand pressure.

Monoprinted fabric used to cover an artist book Linda Germain

It is quite exciting to make beautiful marks and patterns with your own hands.

Whether you like to:

  • collect fabric
  • makes stuff with fabric or
  • create unique fabric

you are probably inspired by texture and pattern.

monoprinted book cover

I challenge you to notice what it is that inspires you and collect 5 bits of inspiration that you could use to inspire your next work of art.

The key is to collect a bit of inspiration and then turn that inspiration into action.

Move beyond the collection stage.

In the book cover above I used the following for inspiration and action:

  1. Potato masher to lift off and apply ink
  2. Tiny flat grasses
  3. Recycled sheet to print on
  4. Embroidery thread
  5. Stash of gelatin printed fabrics

If you think that you would like to explore gelatin printmaking on fabric, then read the details about the upcoming online printmaking class, Monoprinting Fabric.

