Finding what printing method and materials works best for you

I am inspired by many types of art making.watercolor travel kit for sketching

And I have tried:

  • watercolor,
  • acrylic painting,
  • drawing with all types of charcoal and pens and pencils
  • mixed media
  • bookmaking
  • encaustic
  • fiber arts like quilting and sewing
  • photography
  • fabric dying like shirbori and tie dye

gelatin plate monotype print by linda germain

And most recently many types of printmaking without a press:

prints in progress on temporary table

Factors that may help you choose an art making method:

  • Toxic nature of the process or materials – Some methods are toxic and require good ventilation, special spaces and equipment. So for me that meant no encaustic, no oil based paint or ink, no melting stuff that creates bad fumes, no dye powders that need special attention to prevent inhalation. Sometimes an artist’s allergy or sensitivity to materials will change over time.
  • Space needed to create. I think we all dream of the artist loft or barn with unlimited space to collect materials and art. But most of us have to work in a smaller space or even a dual purpose table. And how will your art making affect the other people that share your space?  I find that most of the printmaking processes that I use, gelatin printmaking, small screen printing, relief printing and trace monoprinting can easily be done in a small space with a few foldable tables and access to water.
  • Your creative style:  Are you a meticulous planner or are your a playful experimenter? Are you neat or messy? Are you realistic or abstract? Do you need to see everything out before you to be able to put it together or can you plan and visualize everything in your head? Do you need to surround your self with lots of visual inspiration or do you need calm quiet white walls? I embrace the chaos and need some visual inspiration, but I need to see most of my tools. I am a messy experimenter who likes to combine abstract and some realism. So when you are trying out new mediums ask your self how the new process fits your style. For example wood carving and etching and working with a press is all beautiful but it requires too much planning and preparation for my style.

How would you describe your creative style? What is your art making space like? Do you have any limits on the types of materials that are healthy for you to use?

Keep your answers in mind when you sign up for your next art class or art retreat. That way you will make a decision that fits YOU!

masking stencil for gelatin printmaking

If you think non-toxic, experimental and home based printmaking sounds like a good fit for you, then check out the upcoming Make Monotypes, gelatin printmaking class. It is a 4 week, online printmaking class, where you will get short actionable lessons, teacher support and feedback and encouragement from other printmakers from all around the world.
