I am in my little art world and think that everyone knows what I am talking about when I use words like stencil, monotype, and gelatin plate printing.
Not True!
So I am here to demystify some of the art terms the I use everyday.
Stencil – A cut out design, through which you “push” ink to make a print or impression.

Stenciling – gently applying ink to a surface through the hole in a cut out design. Usually ink is thinly applied with a brush or sponge.
(example below )
Masking stencil – is a cut out shape the block the transfer of ink to the paper or fabric or other printing surface.
(examples below)
Print – is an impression, mark that is made under pressure. It is an indirect mark that creates a design.
(example below)

Printmaking without a press – was of printing that don’t require a press, types include, screen printing, relief printing, stamping, stenciling rubbings, and gelatin plate monotype printmaking.
(Example below is a relief print)
Monotype – is a one of a kind print that is made without some sort of repeatable matrix/design.
(example below)

Monoprint – is a one of a kind print that is made with a repeatable matrix/design (i.e. an etching or block print is primary part of the print with extra one of a kind marks)
(example below the face is a screen print that can be repeated)

Gelatin plate monotype print – one of a kind print that is made by transferring ink from the surface of a soft, spongy plate of gelatin to paper with hand pressure.
(examples below except the tree on the right is a Thermofax print on top of a gelatin plate print)
Print in process on the gelatin plate

Screen printing – process where the stencil design is attached to a screen with very fine mesh. Then ink is pulled across the tight screen with a squeegee and the ink them goes through the tiny holes onto the paper, fabric or other printing surface.
(examples below)
Thermofax Screen Printing – A Thermofax machine is an old heat based type of copy machine. It can create small detailed designs to be used by artists and crafter. The beauty of this method is that photographic images and detail drawings can be converted into a screen in a matter of seconds and the results are reliable. The way it works is that a carbon based drawing is sandwiched with the emulsion coated screen and run through the machine. The heat of the machine, melts the emulsion and creates the stencil. The machines and roll of emulsion are expensive. But you can find Thermofax screen sellers all over the internet. They make the screen for you and send it to you. I have a kit of 8 screens and the how to get started videos that you can buy.
(examples below)

Check out the current printmaking workshops that I am offering.