You can be screen printing this week.
- Would you like to add some fine line marks to your gelatin prints?
- Maybe print some dragonfly cards or
- Just start exploring thermofax screen printing?
You are in luck. I have an 8 piece starter kit of Thermofax screens ready to ship to you today, and you will be pulling beautiful screen prints later this week.
Thermofax screen printing is a quick and easy way to experiment with screen printing. There is no need for light boxes, emulsion and high powered spray washers.
It is all done for you.
You will get 8 small screens and access to the videos to show you how to tape off the screen and start printing within just a few minutes.

The basic idea in screen printing is that you push/pull ink through tiny holes in a mesh screen. In thermofax screen printing the design is created by “burning” certain areas on the emulsion coated screen. This “burning” of emulsion is all done for you. I do it with my machine.
So the screen comes to you a ready to be taped off and printed with.
If you are new to screen printing, then you may not know how convenient this is.
Trust me, it is a huge time saver and make screen printing accessible to many more folks, who don’t have access to a printmaking studio.
If this is still confusing, then watch the video below and see how easy it is to print with Thermofax screens.
Are you ready to start Thermofax Screen Printing?
Then click the paypal button below and I will ship your kit to you ASAP.
With the kit you will have access to 4 private videos that will:
- Show you how to prepare the screens
- Print with the screens
- Choose substrates to print on
- Get you started
You will also get information on how to set up your workspace and clean and care for your new screens.
This kit is no longer available.
If you have any questions please email me,
Hi Linda. I am interested in this product, but want to know if you supply the designs or so I? Also does it use sunlight for exposure? Many thanks
I have put my website down, but I am just a new graduate so nothing on there yet. So much to do to set up a business!
thanks for your question. This starter kit is the 8 designs that you see and then access to the instructional videos. They come to you already exposed, you just have to separate them and tape the edges. That is all in the videos. Let me know if you have more questions.