I have not used my homemade gelatin plate in several months.
I cut it up and froze it when I realized that I would not be monoprinting for a while.
A few days ago I
- took it out of the freezer
- Microwaved it slowly
- Poured it into may shallow pan
- Let it set up
I still have not printed and it is summer time here in New England.
The plate lasts longer and seems to work best when it is used regularly.
I store it like this if I am not printing for a few days:
- Loosely covered to slow down evaporation
- Page protectors are smooth and will not create as many lines as plastic wrap
- Plastic bag loosely pulled over each end.
- I do stack plates is I have more than one
- these gelatin and glycerin plates are long lasting, but not for ever.
I really need to get printing! I found some delicate grasses that have inspired me.
I have set the dates for the next Make Monotypes – online printmaking class.
- Early Bird Discount and registration starts June 3rd
- Class start July 6th
- Check out the details here

Or maybe you've heard all about gelatin printing. You've seen the YouTube videos and know how easy it looks.
In Make Monotypes - printing with ink on paper you will give yourself -
- the right tools,
- lots of practice,
- quality support and
- you will gain confidence, build solid skills and create beautiful prints
JOIN this list to be the first to know when the next session of Make Monotypes opens.
It is an online printmaking course with ink on paper and the homemade glycerin and gelatin plate.
As a gift to you, I will share my top ten tools for making monotype prints with the gel plate.
Additionally, you will receive a weekly email about printmaking, ideas, tips and courses. Join us today and start having fun!