What is a baren and why would you want to use one to make gelatin plate prints?
I baren is a tool that is traditionally used in woodblock printing to apply even pressure to the block and create a crisp even transfer of ink. Gelatin plate is much softer than a carved woodblock, so we will not be putting the full force of our bodies into burnishing.
The reason I sometimes use a baren on the glycerin and gelatin plate is I want to apply a more downward even pressure. I hope with this even downward pressure I can create a more crisp, clear detailed impression.
Have you noticed that when you push on the gelatin plate it depressed and responds to your touch? Of course you have. That is what makes the gel plate so amazing.
Each time you depress the plate you affect the image/impression. The more things move the more fuzzy the print may become.
I have a speedball contemporary style baren, but I have experimented with other objects to see if they could be used in place of a really baren. I have tried:
- flat bottom jars
- flat bottom paint bottles
- old porcelain door knob
Some say a wooden spoon will work. I always found them to be too small.
I made a homemade baren too. You can see from the pictures.

- Cut a circle of stiff foam core
- Cover the foam core with 2 sided carpet tape
- Tightly coil clothesline rope on top of the tape
- Craft a cover. I used an old tube sock, put the base about 1/2 way through, stretch tight and tie the ends together to create a handle
- Finally, I added a sticky vinyl to the bottom, so it would slide more smoothly.
MacClain’s has some great info and history about barens.
Join us in the next session of Make Monotypes. You will have lots of time to explore using a baren.

Monoprinting on Fabric - online printmaking course
- Make & modify the glycerin and gelatin plate
- Make the most of your marks on fabric
- Capture the details with mere hand pressure
- Create one of a kind fabrics
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