Late Night Printmaking :)

Monotype print by linda germain
Monotype print by linda germain

Today slipped by, so I found myself making prints late tonight.  When I make a promise I stick to it.  That is the cool thing about promises, even to myself.

When I aim for one print that I kind of like, I need to work on at least 7 sheets of paper.  I might start with one idea in mind and then have to let go and be inspired and lead by the marks as they evolve.

Suspend expectations/judgment and move forward with the marks that I like.  How do you approach your printmaking?


2 thoughts on “Late Night Printmaking :)”

  1. My sessions this week have had to be short so I limited the stencils etc., including inks and went with where I could take them. Like working in a series.
    Enjoyed myself. But I do have lots of ideas going around my head and have tried to put a few down on paper, like ‘ all out’ so I can plan some future sessions.

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