Strain the Gelatin through a Tarlatan

carefully pour the gelatin into a level pan by linda germainHere’s a tip for you if you melt your gelatin plates down and reform them if the get cracked and old.

  • I microwave the cut up pieces a few minutes at a time and check and stir to make sure that the gelatin is completely fluid again.
  • Set your pan on a level surface
  • Cover the container of gelatin with a tarlatan or cheese cloth and pour through the screen
  • You will catch a lot of ink, and miscellaneous gunk.

Here’s my video about melting down the gelatin in the microwave –  enjoy the music and just cut the gelatin up and melt it.  Don’t bother with the blender – it is not necessary.

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Happy Printing,


2 thoughts on “Strain the Gelatin through a Tarlatan”

    1. Maybe with a double boiler, or low heat and a little water. You will have to experiment. I tried it once and did not pay attention and burned it. But I think it is possible. Let me know how it goes.

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