It’s all about Balance

Balance a gelatin Print by linda germainI had  to take a breath and get a little balance in my day and life today.  I tend to set goals and get excited and overwhelmed at the same time.  Things get off kilter and I get to be not so happy. I think:

  • knowing what I want
  • setting priorities
  • keeping them front and center
  • saying no

can all help to keep my balance.

What do you do to stay balanced?

Happy Printing!


9 thoughts on “It’s all about Balance”

  1. Sometimes I don’t. It is like that sometimes. My life gets overwhelming and art takes a back seat. In the end when the art does come back it is usually in a different direction. I like this piece very much.

  2. Clearing my plate for some quiet ‘me’ time helps when I feel overwhelmed and stressed. Love the tightrope walker piece. Very lovely.

  3. Ha – a subject near and dear to my heart! I am constantly struggling to find balance – some times I am better at it than others. At times I need to withdraw into myself to shut out the external “noise” and find that equilibrium again.

    I REALLY like this piece!

  4. Linda. Reading your blog helps me to add in that balance. Thank you so much for the regular dose. Judy

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